014-Introduction to Antennas
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This short course is based on the antenna information in the author's textbook, "Introduction to RF Propagation". It provides a solid treatment of antennas with minimal use of advanced mathematics. Topics include basic antenna types, analysis of gain, beamwidth, polarization and a discussion of antenna radiation regions. The concepts of reflection coefficient, VSWR and axial ratio are explained and both curves and equations are provided for determining matching loss as a function of VSWR and polarization loss as a function of axial ratios.
059-Digital Control of Second and Higher Order Systems
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course covers the methodology for developing a digital controller using a modern digital controls approach. Model development for both analog and digital representations are shown and performance compared. The time-shift "q" operator is introduced in accordance with the Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) behavior produced by the sampling and analog-to-digital converter used in the loop. The time-shift operator is used to produce an error predictor and model-prediction errors used to produce control equations.
A digital controller is written and used to control both digital and analog systems and the results are compared. The controller is modified to use different sampling periods and the results are compared to show the performance of the digital control over the same analog system and its dependence on sample rates. The methodology is shown to provide a fast digital controller for a high order system without a complex compensator.
060-Converting Feedback Systems from Analog to Digital Control
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course covers a methodology for developing a digital controller by converting an existing compensated analog controller to a digital model. An analog system is developed, along with a Pole-Zero compensator for use as a typical example. The purpose and effects of the compensator are discussed. The effects of discrete-time sampling of the signals is discussed, along with delay and excess phase effects in accordance with the Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) behavior introduced by the analog-to-digital converter used in the loop.
A system block diagram approach is introduced with integrators in both analog and digital forms. The original analog controller, as well as the compensator model, is produced using a bilinear-transform version of a digital integrator. The performance effects of the sampling are discussed, along with the need for a high enough sampling rate to avoid aliasing and excess phase effects on stability. Implementation alternatives for the digital controller are discussed as well as practical considerations of the effects of digital word-widths on the computation requirements.
062-Switchmode Buck Power Converter Using Voltage-Mode Control
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course covers a methodology for designing a Switch-Mode Buck power converter employing a voltage-mode feedback control approach. The Buck power conversion topology is introduced and considerations for selecting inductor and capacitor components essential for efficient energy transfer are discussed.
Topologies for two states of switching are shown and a state-space averaged model is produced. A small-signal model linear model is produced to examine potential stability issues. Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) effects of the discrete-time nature of switching within the control loop are included. Pole-Zero (PZ) compensators necessary to stabilize the open-loop characteristics of converters with disparate switching frequencies are designed.
The Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) is introduced it into the feedback loop. Both feedforward and feedback capabilities are added to the PWM and contrasted.
067-Switchmode Buck Power Converter Using Current-Mode Control
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
The Switchmode Buck converter is used widely for high efficiency conversion of DC power available at a higher voltage and delivered to a load at a lower voltage. This course develops models of the Buck converter with current-mode control. Basic operation, a practical set of examples, and large/small signal models are discussed. The considerations for feedback regulation and load-current limiting control of the converter are introduced.
The selection of appropriate inductor and capacitor values are discussed, considering the frequency of operation and other design parameters. A constant-frequency Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) controller is employed for pulse-by-pulse peak-current control. And a method for constructive use of inductor parasitics is employed for current monitoring. We introduce the peak-threshold current control in the open-loop model to illustrate a current-limit function, and then develop that control into the pulse-by-pulse current-mode control for voltage feedback. We develop the feedback conditions for frequency-domain, small-signal, stability in the open-loop model and include a Pole-Zero (PZ) compensator for good margins. We introduce the Zero-Order-Hold (ZOH) effects of the inherent sampling caused by cycle-by-cycle control and include those effects in the (PZ) compensator. The loop is closed and a "soft-start" capability added to avoid current-limiting during startup. Line and load regulation is shown for the example as well as transient load recovery. Finally, the need for "Slope Compensation" in some designs is discussed and a means for adding it is shown.
070-Solar Power Part I - Design for Small Structures - An Introduction
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Those who take this course will learn about the basic solar power system components. They will learn how the components work together to provide power to supply a small structure. They will learn how to size and select the necessary components based on the power demands. They will understand how the power is generated, what is required to store the power for later use, and the power losses that occur within a system.
071-Switchmode Boost Power Converter Using Voltage-Mode Control
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
The Switchmode Boost converter is used widely for high efficiency conversion of DC power available at a lower voltage and delivered to a load at a higher voltage. This course develops models of the Boost converter with voltage-mode control. Basic operation, a practical of example, and large/small signal models are discussed. The considerations for feedback regulation and feedforward control of the converter are introduced.
The selection of appropriate inductor and capacitor values are discussed, considering the frequency of operation and other design parameters. A constant-frequency Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) controller is employed. We develop the feedback conditions for frequency-domain, small-signal, stability in the open-loop model and include a Pole-Zero (PZ) compensator for good margins. We introduce the Zero-Order-Hold (ZOH) effects of the inherent sampling caused by cycle-by-cycle control and include those effects in the (PZ) compensator. The loop is closed and a "soft-start" capability added to high inrush currents during startup. Line and load regulation are shown for the example as well as transient load recovery. The material covered should enable a working engineer to construct a stable Boost converter using voltage control.
072-Switchmode Boost Power Converter Using Current-Mode Control
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
The Switchmode Boost converter is used widely for high efficiency conversion of DC power available at a lower voltage and delivered to a load at a higher voltage. This course develops models of the Boost converter with current-mode control. Basic operation, a practical of example, and large/small signal models are discussed. The considerations for control of the converter are introduced.
The selection of appropriate inductor and capacitor values are discussed, considering the frequency of operation and other design parameters. A constant-frequency Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) controller is employed. We develop the feedback conditions for frequency-domain, small-signal, stability in the open-loop model and include a Pole-Zero (PZ) compensator for good margins. We introduce the Zero-Order-Hold (ZOH) effects of the inherent sampling caused by cycle-by-cycle control and include those effects in the (PZ) compensator. Current-limit control is introduced and used as the basis for the introduction of cycle-by-cycle current-mode control. The loop is closed and a "soft-start" capability added to high inrush currents during startup. Line and load regulation are shown for the example as well as transient load recovery. The need for "Slope Compensation" is introduced and explained and an example shown contrasting behavior with and without it. The material covered should enable a working engineer to construct a stable Boost converter using current-mode control.
075-QAM Digital Communications
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course introduces both analog and digital communications concepts and some of the reasons for the migration from analog to digital technologies. Pertinent analog signal and system concepts are reviewed for comparison and contrast to corresponding digital concepts. Digital representation of analog signals is introduced in both the time and frequency domains so that analog transmission of digital signals could be compared.
Versions of "Suppressed Carrier" modulation progressing from the original Weaver modulator architecture are developed for "Single-Sideband, Suppressed Carrier" analog voice applications through variations to other applications. We add phase modulation and amplitude modulation to the Weaver architecture showing the development of quadrature techniques for using both upper and lower Weaver sidebands to produce independent "I" and "Q" communications channels. Only one bit of information is discussed for each of the phase modulation and amplitude modulation in a simple QAM example, but the groundwork is laid for extending the system. The concept of symbol rate and bit rates is introduced. The importance of frequency and phase synchronization of the receiving Weaver modulator is introduced and examples of issues discussed. The practicing engineer should be able to understand the important issues of QAM digital communication and choose system components in a meaningful way on completion of the course.
079-DSSS Digital Communication
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course introduces both analog and digital communications concepts and some of the reasons for the migration from analog to digital technologies. Pertinent signal and system concepts are reviewed for comparison and contrast.
The course develops the theory and practical issues and examples leading up to Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Communication. The information theoretic foundation for trading bandwidth and improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is introduced mathematically, but other useful properties associated with particular spreading sequence properties are introduced by example. The gradual development based on the Weaver architecture for frequency translation of single-sideband, suppressed carrier signals through digital QPSK examples into pseudo-noise (PN) sequence spreading of QPSK of sub-carrier sidebands and finally to direct-sequence, spread-spectrum QPSK is employed to build awareness of the relationships between the spectral energy and the modulation processes. The PN sequence generation, its auto-correlation and cross-correlation attributes are introduced and employed in example with a justification for the development of the matched-filter/correlator approach to sequence de-spreading. Some issues of carrier synchronization and problems are introduced but not developed in detail. Finally, the statistical properties of the correlator approach are shown to be the basis for Code-Division, Multiple Access (CDMA) spectrum sharing to ameliorate the extra bandwidth occupied by the spreading.
The practicing engineer should be able to understand the important issues of DSSS digital communication and choose system components in a meaningful way on completion of the course.
083-Phase Lock Loops
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course introduces the Phase-Lock Loop (PLL) with considerations from classical feedback theory producing a simple analog loop for demonstration purposes. The components are analyzed, linearizing them as required and showing the second-order nature of the loop with the PZ compensation filter for stability. The PLL capability as a Frequency-Shift Keyed (FSK) receiver demodulator for a Frequency-Modulated (FM) signal is demonstrated.
The Costas Loop variant of the PLL for double-sideband, suppressed-carrier synchronization using a Bi-Phase modulated signal is introduced, as well as the "Double-Loop" variant of the Costas Loop, showing the equivalence of the saturated signal paths for the Bi-Phase modulation in a summing loop, and the requirements for a difference term for Quadri-Phase Shift Keyed (QPSK) signals. The 180° phase uncertainty associated with the receiver synchronization is shown and discussed.
A digital PLL for frequency synthesis applications is demonstrated with the relationships between loop bandwidth and channel spacing shown. The "Exclusive-OR" logic function is demonstrated as a phase detector and the Phase-Frequency Detector (PFD) and Sink-Source-Float (SSF) implementations are introduced. The stability requirements for the components and the design of a PZ compensator for the digital PLL, including the use of a transconductance and impedance for loop filter application are discussed.
The effects of the sampling delay on the magnitude and phase characteristics of the loop are discussed.
The time and frequency domain performance of a macro-model using the parameters developed show that the discrete-time performance is well predicted, but that there are noise effects from the PU/PD pulses in the PFD.
Fractional-N synthesis technique is introduced and contrasted between the averaging and Δ-Σ modulator approaches to the oversampling used in the Fractional-N approach.
The engineer who completes this course should be able to design a working Phase Lock Loop, making it stable for their application.
084-Filters and Equalizers
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course reviews the notation for roots of polynomial expressions describing Linear-Time Invariant (LTI) systems in the frequency domain, and relates the operator notation to the time-domain response using complex exponential notation. A single pole circuit is introduced and responses analyzed in the frequency domain and time domain. An ideal delay is introduced for comparison and sets a reference for step response behaviors.
Polynomial root locations are described in the complex s-plane and complex conjugate pairs plotted and described using (w0, z) notation as well as (t0, Q) notation. Phasor notation is introduced for evaluation of steady-state sinusoidal excitation of transfer functions. Second-order, complex conjugate pole pairs are introduced and the asymptotic behaviors developed and contrasted to the single-pole behaviors in magnitude, phase, and group delay attributes. Straight-line approximations are produced and the errors of approximation discussed.
Classical Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel filters are introduced and the construction formulae developed. The Cauer filter is also illustrated, but mathematical development using elliptic functions is not included. Frequency domain and time domain responses are developed using a 4th design form as representative of even-order forms and a 5th order design as representative of odd-order forms. Only the 5th order Bessel filter example is synthesized from the equations. A 5th order equalizer is examined for the 5th order Chebyshev and Cauer filter and shown to provide equivalent results for both Chebyshev and Cauer filters. An additional pole pair is added to the 5th order equalizer and the justification and improvements noted. Transformations are discussed to convert low-pass prototype designs to high-pass and band-pass filters.
The course is designed for a practicing engineer seeking a capability for designing and specifying filters and equalizers for frequency domain and time domain applications.
085-Introduction to Daylighting
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course provides the basic understanding of daylighting, beginning from its origins: the history of its use throughout time, why we stopped using daylight for its benefits and why we are seeing resurgence.
Successful integrated building design includes utilizing daylight for its positive benefits, and which may include lowering energy costs by reducing the required HVAC system size of a building, a closer connection with the outside for those working and living in a building, and reducing environmental impact, specifically carbon emissions.
Daylighting may contribute to a building achieving LEED certification, and this course discusses the LEED system, version 3, and the rating systems under Building Design and Construction (BD+C) and Existing Building: Operations and Maintenance (EBOM).
087-Embedded Systems; Analog, Digital, and Microcomputers
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course traces background history leading to current "Embedded Systems" from the introduction of system classification concepts through modern digital computer concepts, and first-practice digital computer embedded systems leading up to the current methodologies, tools, and practice involved in the design of Embedded Systems.
The digital computer hardware is traced from the vacuum-tube era through the advances of solid-state technology to today's integrated circuits. The software is shown in parallel with introduction of abstract languages, operating systems and "hard" real-time software, program code and library practices, through C-Code editing, compilation, and system building. Hardware Design Language (HDL) concepts are introduced in the context of adding digital functionality to the included microcomputer capabilities.
A Top-Down design methodology is used in the context of Embedded Systems development with both open-source and proprietary tools from an Engineering System Level (ESL) through an implementation at the demonstration-board level with two different examples. The design-flow through the use of tools is discussed prior to the example use of those tools so that the "big picture" is seen first. A simple Delta-Sigma (DS) analog-to-digital converter is used as an analog/digital or mixed-signal example with some modeling and simulation relating to the analog functions and some relating to the digital functions. The use of the top-down approach makes the system simulation of behavior clear prior to the "binding" of the functions to analog or digital components.
Two different implementation hardware boards: the BeagleBoard featuring a Texas Instruments (TI) OMAP™ IC with an ARM processor and TI proprietary Digital Signal Processor (DSP) onboard, and Cypress Semiconductor PSoC5™ with an ARM processor and proprietary configurable analog and digital blocks on a "First Touch" board are introduced as a hardware target candidates.
Software development tools are introduced and representative usage shown for both open-source and proprietary tools using a C/C++ path in both an open-source Linux environment and a MicroSoft Windows™ environment. Code generation automation is discussed and manual code entry discussed in the context of the tools.
The example system is explored in detail from within the context of the Cypress Semiconductor PSoC5™ "First Touch" environment with some alternatives introduced. The steps necessary and the code example for the PSoC5™ "First Touch" environment are referenced, as well as the necessary hardware and software requirements to enable the example in the BeagleBoard are shown and links provided to obtain the accelerometer, display, cables, and software required. The MathWorks PolySpace™ semantic run-time code checker software is shown with illustrations of the checking capabilities.
A 50% discount coupon on products from Cypress Semiconductor Corporation is included with this course.
089-Solar Power Part IV - Inspecting and Evaluating Systems
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course is intended to provide engineers, designers, or contractors with the knowledge and process for inspecting or evaluating a solar power system in a small structure. We will also look the problems commonly associated with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, brief reviews of the system components and their potential problems, and wiring issues. We will also note those items that you need to perform the inspection.
The course will start "at the beginning" … from the solar panels to the electrical outlets and the components installed along the way. This course is not intended to be all-inclusive in the evaluation and trouble-shooting of a solar PV electrical system but is intended to provide you with knowledge of how to evaluate a system and the typical problems associated with a solar powered system. Obviously, these same principles apply to a system for a larger structure but there is much more involved with larger power systems. Note, that this is not the design course. The design course is entitled "Solar Design for Small Structures" and is also available from SunCam.
094-A Gentle Introduction to Ultra-wide Band (UWB) Radio Technology
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This well illustrated course provides a gentle introduction to Ultra-wide band (UWB) radio technology that contrasts UWB specific characteristics with conventional narrow band radio characteristics. The treatment focuses on concepts rooted in the historical development of wireless technology. We trace early wide-band wireless on its march to conventional narrow radio, and then to increasing signal bandwidths to take advantage of performance improvements inherent to wide bandwidths. We observe wireless technology mature, and culminate in today's UWB technology. We will see how UWB signals can coexist with other systems. A simple UWB transmitter will be shown, and system performance will be explained. Finally we will investigate the potential applications space for UWB technology.
097-Cell Phone and RF Exposure Awareness
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to raise awareness and understanding of human exposure to, and safety considerations of Radio Frequency (RF) and electromagnetic (EM) fields from transmitters and antennas such as cellphones and mobile phones, which are among the most prevalent transmitting devices with which people come into contact. We will explore the origins of RF exposure standards, and see how they have evolved. Technical terms will be explained and concepts will be clarified with analogies to familiar experiences. The course is relevant to everyone who operates or uses a portable transmitting device, and is especially relevant to those who work with radio transmitters and antennas.
102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
List: $90.00
Sale: $39.95
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Modern computers include many types of memories, including magnetic hard drives, Flash memories, Static Random Access Memories (SRAM) and Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAM). The characteristics, advantages and limitations of each of these memory implementations are described and compared. The most important of these memory types is DRAM, and this course takes you inside the DRAM so you can understand how it operates and why it is the largest selling integrated circuit ever invented.
DRAMs were a $38B (USD) business in 2010, and appear in every computer (PC, Mac, tablet, laptop, desktop, server or mainframe) and home gaming console (PlayStation, Xbox or Wii). DRAMs first appeared on the scene in 1970, introduced by a small start-up company called Intel. Today they are a commodity, produced by companies all over the world in essentially interchangeable form.
Both the original DRAM architecture, called the asynchronous DRAM, and the higher speed synchronous version, the SDRAM, are discussed in detail. You will be introduced to the concepts of refreshing, access time, multiplexed addresses, fill frequency, CAS latency and burst length. No math beyond simple arithmetic is required.
- Memories in Computers
- DRAM History
- DRAM Architecture and Basic Operation
- Accelerated Access Modes
- Fill Frequency
- SDRAM Architecture and Operation
- SDRAM Operation
- Access Time in SDRAMs
- Data Burst Operation
- Multiple Data Pins
- Multi-Bank Architecture
- Mode Register
- Memory Standardization
111-Memories in Computers — Part 2: DDR SDRAMs
List: $90.00
Sale: $39.95
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
As the largest dollar volume portion of the semiconductor industry, memories appear in every computer, printer, home game console and car; as well as a growing number of home appliances. Total memory sales were $124B in 2017, out of $412B worldwide semiconductor sales. DRAM sales alone grew by 77% in 2017, to a total of $72B. But memory demand is cyclical. 2018 saw DRAM sales of almost $100B, the highest ever. 2019 sales dropped to $62B; 2020 sales were $67B; and 2021 revenue soared to $98B.
Since the late 1990s, four increasingly capable Double Data Rate (DDR) Synchronous DRAM architectures have evolved. The first generation, DDR, doubled the rate of information flow to and from the memory device as compared to single-data-rate synchronous DRAMs. To meet the resulting very tight timing requirements, a new circuit called the delay locked loop was introduced.
The second generation, DDR2, added several features to improve device usability. In particular, on-die termination (ODT) improved signal integrity and reduced external component count.
The third generation, DDR3, provided a refined ODT capability and further defined external device timing in terms of clock cycles instead of internal device parameters.
The fourth generation, DDR4, continued increasing storage capacity and improving the rate of data transmission. But it also emphasized reducing power by many architecture modifications and feature additions.
The fifth generation, DDR5, built on DDR4 with more storage capacity, faster data rates, and reduced power. DDR5 added a new capability, on-chip error correction (ECC).
This course discusses the characteristics and advantages of each of those architectures in a clear and concise manner that any technically trained person can understand. You will be introduced to and become familiar with concepts such as CAS latency, burst length, delay locked loops, on-die termination, prefetch, mode registers and redundancy. Memory packaging in dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs) is also discussed.
This course builds on, but is independent of, Memories in Computers—Part 1. No math beyond high school algebra is required.
112-Memories in Computers — Part 3: Flash Memory
List: $90.00
Sale: $39.95
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Flash memories will account for $26B in sales in 2010. They are used in all modern digital cameras, camcorders, cell phones, PDAs, music players, home video game machines and computers.
Why is flash so popular? Flash excels in three areas: technical, physical and financial. The technical reasons are (1) nonvolatility–flash memory retains its information for more than 10 years even with no power applied and (2) speed–flash memory is 100 to 1000 times faster than magnetic hard drives. The physical reasons are (1) density–flash memory has 8x as many bits per chip as DRAM, and (2) power–flash memory consumes far less power than magnetic hard drives. In the financial area, flash memory is about 40% of the cost of DRAM on a per bit basis.
Why isn't flash memory used in place of DRAM and magnetic hard drives? Again, there are three areas that hold back flash: reliability, speed and cost. Regarding reliability, flash memories can endure from 5000 to over 100,000 erase/program cycles. That is adequate for many but not all applications. Flash speed is indeed much faster than magnetic hard drives, but programming speed is far slower that DRAMs; much too slow for main memory applications. And flash cost, although lower than DRAMs, is still far above that of magnetic hard drives.
This course discusses all of the above issues, as well as the historical background, physical basis, cell structure, and chip architecture and operation of these omnipresent devices. You will learn and understand hot electron injection, Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, NOR and NAND array structures and operation, multi-level storage and error correction coding. The flash memory market, including applications and major producers, are explored; and two major portions of that market, flash memory cards and solid state drives, are examined in detail.
This course builds on, but is independent of Memories in Computers–Part 1. No high-level math is required.
155-Solar Power Part V - Installing Systems - An Introduction
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course is basically a detailed type of course for contractors and professionals that work closely with contractors or monitor the installations… a guide of what's behind all those component covers, how they are connected, grounded, protected, what goes where, etc. It includes installation tips that many contractors simply aren't familiar with or don't worry about in their haste to complete the job and get paid.
Note: The course assumes that you have a working knowledge of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) design and are familiar with the terminology and components found in a typical system. This course is intended to provide an introduction to the installation of a solar PV system for a small structure. The design and basic explanations of a solar power system are not included in this course but are found in the first two courses:
070-Solar Power Design for Small Structures - An Introduction and 089-Solar Power Systems - Inspecting and Evaluating
Obviously, the course doesn't cover the installation of all the products manufactured today but does cover a complete off-grid solar system installation that can be used as a reference for the different products available today.
Detailed course outline with timeline
- 11 Minutes — Introduction
- 5 Minutes — Safety
- 11 Minutes — Needed Items
- 21 Minutes — Course Project
- 21 Minutes — Panel Mounts
- 37 Minutes — Solar Panels
- 11 Minutes — PV Combiner
- 11 Minutes — Electrical Disconnect Box
- 11 Minutes — Charge Controller
- 12 Minutes — Batteries
- 11 Minutes — Inverter
- 21 Minutes — Breaker Boxes
- 11 Minutes — Grounding
- 5 Minutes — Summary
- 40 Minutes — The Test
173-Interior Lighting Design The Fundamentals
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course will aid architects, engineers, interior designers and anyone involved in the design of lighting systems. It begins with the basics of light and color, and progresses into the anatomy of the eye and how humans are able to see images.
The course focuses primarily on fluorescent linear lighting, typical in most commercial buildings, and the correct selection of lamps and ballasts to meet Owner requirements and energy codes. A systematic calculation using the Zonal Cavity Method applies all of the concepts discussed in the course. Also addressed in the course is how scotopically enhanced lighting affects the lighting calculations. The course ends with a checklist of items to investigate to avoid some of the problems that could be inherent in the lighting design.
181-Introduction to Small-Scale Wind Project Design
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: 1. Summarize common terminology of the different types of wind turbines, as well as their relative merits and shortcomings.
2. Use the �Fundamental Equation of Wind Power� for realistic back-of-the-envelope power output projections and identifying practical limitations.
3. Familiarization with the nature (but not the detailed mathematics) of typical wind distribution regimes, such as the Weibull and Raleigh distributions.
4. Cognizance of wind energy project planning issues and show-stoppers, which if initially overlooked, could result in project cancellations.
Course Description:
This course covers the fundamentals of Wind Power technology, providing a practical "quick study" to those who need to (or desire to) become knowledgeable on this topic. Professional Engineers often find that they themselves need to "get real smart, real quick" on wind power, since it is not unusual that they are often the first to be asked by a client or employer to assess if more energy, time, or money should be devoted to investigating the feasibility of a proposed wind project.
By successfully completing this course, you should be comfortable performing fundamental wind energy projections with the sparse and incomplete data often available during preliminary project discussions, as well as become cognizant of pit-falls and show-stoppers that plague initial forays into this field. The goal is to equip the student so he or she will be able to provide a technically-sound reply when asked if a proposed wind power project warrants further evaluation at some additional effort or expense.
Note: This course has been approved for 4 GBCI CE hours for LEED Professionals; GBCI Course ID: 0920018312
182-Feedback Control System Fundamentals
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course discusses many fundamental concepts associated with classical feedback control theory. Feedback control measures the state of a physical system or device with a sensing system. The measured state is fed-back and compared to a desired state and the error used by a controller to reduce the difference between the actual and desired states. An example of a feedback control system is the central heating and air conditioning system for a home, or building. A thermostat or temperature sensor is the feedback sensor that measures the room temperature and compares it to the desired temperature or set point, calculating a difference or error. If the temperature is less than the set point, the error is used by the controller to force more heat into the room. When the set point is reached, the error is zero or below an error threshold and the controller will stop heating the room. Another example is the speed control in most of today's automobiles. The speed of the vehicle is measured and compared to a desired speed. Based on the difference between actual speed and the set point, acceleration or braking is applied to the automobile drive to null the error and maintain the desired speed.
Classical control deals directly with the differential equations that describe the dynamics of a plant or process. These equations are transformed into frequency dependent transfer functions. The transfer function is the ratio of two frequency dependent polynomials whose roots describe the response of the plant in a frequency domain. The controller or compensator shapes the closed feedback loop response, given the plant response, to achieve the control performance objectives. Classical feedback control design and analysis tends to require a good foundation in mathematics, however the purpose of this course is not to dwell on the math, although examples are provided, but to provide the basic design and analysis concepts.
The topics covered begin with a description of the basic block diagram in section 2. The relationships between time and frequency domain representations of the block diagram elements are discussed in section 3 followed by the key feedback relationships derived from the block diagram algebra in section 4. Control loop stability and methods to determine stability margins are described in section 5 followed by a discussion of specifying control loop performance in section 6. A couple of control loop design methods are provided in section 7. The basic theory is then applied to two examples; a home heating system in section 8 and motion control applications in section 9. Converting to a digital sample data controller is discussed in section 10; as related to the motion control example in section 9.
186-Intellectual Property and Patents for the Professional Engineer
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course is organized with an introduction to the general practice of the engineering arts with emphasis on the facets that are specific to the profession of the Registered Professional Engineer. A similar emphasis on and distinctions of the general forms of intellectual property is introduced with particular emphasis on the United States Patent Office and issued patents; such as are likely to be associated with the practice of the Professional Engineer. Some practical considerations are developed as apply to the practice of Professional Engineering.
This course has been produced by two practicing Professional Engineers. One author, Dr. Raymond L. Barrett, Jr., PhD, PE has many years of engineering experience and is an author of books, articles, and courses, as well as an inventor with 36 issued US patents as a named inventor. Similarly, Luis Figarella, PE also has over 20 years of experience as a practicing engineer and Patent Agent and is an author of books, articles, and courses, as well as an inventor with 14 issued US patents as a named inventor, and over 35 issued/allowed US Patents for his clients.
Due to the nature of the course, the materials presented in this course were extensively obtained from referenced public sources with links to those sources conveniently provided. On completion of the course the terms should be clear, many of the issues as well as an introduction to the processes and procedures needed to identify intellectual property issues and protect the rights of the owner of the identified intellectual property should be clearer. The course is presented as an overview and is not a substitute for competent legal advice in any particular cases.
195-Solar Power Part II - Design for Grid-Tie Systems - An Introduction
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Detailed course outline with timeline
- 6 Minutes - Introduction, brief history, and current applications
- 26 Minutes - Basic Grid-Tie Concepts
- 16 Minutes - System components
- 15 Minutes - Power Company Disconnects
- 10 Minutes - DC Power Disconnects
- 7 Minutes - Battery Banks
- 16 Minutes - DC Power Circuits
- 11 Minutes - Emergency Power
- 16 Minutes - System Sizing
- 37 Minutes - Solar Panels
- 8 Minutes - Batteries
- 5 Minutes - Charge Controllers
- 11 Minutes - Inverters
- 5 Minutes - Meters
- 7 Minutes - Generators
- 5 Minutes - Summary
- 40 Minutes - The Test
This is a course that begins where the first course "Solar Power Design for Small Structures" ends. You will be introduced to the components needed to connect a solar PV system to the power grid and how they work together to provide power for a building. You will also be provided a quick refresher of the design process.
196-Structural Concepts for Non-Structural Engineers
3 $67.50
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Structural Concepts for Non-Structural Engineers is a course designed to promote understanding of why structures work the way that they do, and why they are designed the way that they are.
It is a course for people that do not have a heavy background in structural design, such as Electrical Engineers, Mechanical (HVAC) Engineers, and Architects.
It is, perhaps, a review for people who have studied structures in college, but have not been seriously involved with it since.
202-Solar Power Part III - Design Considerations
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Detailed course outline with timeline
- 15 Minutes — Introduction
- 20 Minutes — Components Review
- 10 Minutes — PV Panels
- 35 Minutes — Mounts
- 5 Minutes — PV sizing
- 10 Minutes — Batteries
- 10 Minutes — Charge Controllers
- 15 Minutes — Inverters
- 5 Minutes — Meters, Monitors, Generators
- 30 Minutes — System Wiring
- 10 Minutes — Surge Protectors
- 15 Minutes — Schematics
- 20 Minutes — Emerging Technologies
- 5 Minutes — Summary
- 40 Minutes — The Test
Those who take this course should already have a basic understanding of a PV system. This course will briefly review and highlight the components and process of designing a solar power system for small structures but does not provide all of the explanations and basic information found in the introductory course (Solar Power Part I to Design for Small Structures - An Introduction). This course provides more details and calculations used when expanding beyond a very basic system and by providing additional information on items not included previously such as surge protectors, battery capacities and their selection, DC appliances, sample solar system schematics, and emerging technologies. This course is intended to build on the Solar Power Part I and Solar Power Part II introductory courses.
208-Future Highways - Automated Vehicles
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
It has been approximately 100 years since the motorized vehicle replaced the horse and buggy. The future of highway transportation is now undergoing another major revolution as engineers across numerous disciplines (transportation, automotive, technology, etc.) work towards moving the responsibility of driving the automobile from human to machine, see figure. The development of cars driven completely without aid by a human driver (i.e., driverless cars), commonly referred to as 'automated' vehicles, will certainly give more appropriate meaning to the term 'auto'-mobile.
Example of a future highway (Source: USDOT)
In this course, you will learn about:
- the terminology being used in the field of automated highway vehicles,
- examples of government legislation being implemented to facilitate the future of automated vehicles,
- the technologies being used in automated vehicles,
- automated vehicle engineering research and standards under development, and
- potential impacts of automated vehicles on traffic flow and roadway design.
265-Verilog for Digital Design
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
With the recognition of the Professional Engineering status for the practice of Computer Engineering in April of 2009, the practice of Control Systems Engineering in October of 2011, and the practice of Software Engineering in April of 2013, there has been the need for specialized continuing education courses related to these practices. Computer Engineering majors may have taken a course with some component of digital design without using Verilog, or may have had a course using the VHDL language. Control Systems engineers will find Verilog to be a useful tool for modeling and simulating real-time hardware and embedded systems for control applications, Software engineers can apply the principles of the concurrent parallel system representations available in Verilog for numerous applications. Other disciplines, including Electrical Engineers will also find the digital design practices encapsulated in Verilog useful all the way to the device level representations available in the language.
We assume that all readers are familiar with digital design concepts, but are interested in an introduction to the capabilities of the Verilog Design Language and how to use it in the design practice. Likewise, we assume that readers generally have rudimentary experience with computer languages, text editors, and general concepts of computer program compilation.
We lead the reader through installation of Free, Open Source Software tools to enter designs, compile and display results, then take the reader through the Behavioral, RTL, and Structural levels of abstraction available, illustrating with simple examples. This course is not exhaustive on the topic but makes a case for the value and usage of Verilog in Digital Design.
272-Electrical Power Generation for Spacecraft
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course is recommended for:
- All engineering disciplines; since this is a fundamentals (breadth) level course. You may take all parts or any individual course(s) that you are interested in.
- Any engineer; to expand discipline knowledge when applied to other applications
The main objective of this course seeks to answer the following question:
- How does a spacecraft generate electricity to power its loads?
291-Proportional, Integral, and Derivative Controller Design Part 1
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
In this course, the design and application of Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID) controller's is discussed. Some familiarity with feedback control may help in providing a better understanding of the course material. PID control is a technique used extensively in feedback control systems. Its origins date back to the 19th century, being used for governor speed control, and since then in numerous applications with a wide variety of actuators and sensors. The controller is simple structure; being the sum of three terms as the name implies. The PID structure provides for a fairly wide range of tuning adjustment in a feedback control loop, especially for relatively simple processes. A PID uses the error, it's integral and derivative to derive a control signal driving the error to a null state. The controller can be structured in many configurations; P-only, PI, PD, PID, plus others to be discussed. PID control is central to most process control systems; but can also be found in numerous applications other than process control ranging from positioning control loops to pointing, tracking and platform stabilization control loops. The PID can also be integrated with higher level control strategies such as model predictive control, adaptive controllers and fuzzy logic control described in Part 2 of the course.
Starting with an introduction in section 1.0, topics covered are a description of the basic feedback control loop block diagram in section 2 and how the PID relates to the control loop. The relationships between time and frequency domain representations of the block diagram elements are discussed in section 3 followed by the key feedback relationships derived from the block diagram algebra in section 4. The PID control algorithm is described in section 5 which includes the frequency domain characterization of the PID (5.1), the effect of each PID term has on response (5.2) and finally different forms of the PID used in actual applications. In section 6 a discussion of specifying control loop performance is presented. PID control loop design methods are provided in section 7. The basic theory is applied to an example; a home heating system, in section 8.
292-Proportional, Integral, and Derivative Controller Design Part 2
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
As discussed in Part 1, PID controllers are used in many control applications; possibly the most common form of feedback control compensation. The versatility of the PID may reside is a fairly simple control structure, easy to implement in software or hardware, offering loop gain adjustment, an integrator to reduce or null servo error, and the phase lead of a derivative improve loop stability or act as a predictive element. This PID structure provides for a fairly wide range of tuning adjustment in a feedback control loop, especially for relatively simple processes. The controller can be configured in many configurations; P-only, PI, PD, PID, plus others are discussed. This part of the course focusses on the digital implementation of the PID controller and its implementation with higher level control strategies; adaptive controllers and fuzzy logic control.
Starting with an introduction in section 1.0, topics covered are a summary of the basic feedback control loop block diagram relationships in section 2. The PID control algorithm, as presented in Part 1, is summarized in section 3 followed by the digital implementation of the PID within the constraints of a sampled control system. The building temperature control example, used in Part 1, is analyzed again in section 4.0 but now using a digital PI controller. Section 5.0 provides another example for a motion control application using a digital PD controller. Finally section 6.0 describes implementation of the PID within a model reference adaptive control (MRAC) architecture and also configured with a fuzzy logic controller (FLC).
298-Temperature Control for Spacecraft
3 $67.50
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course is recommended for:
- All engineering disciplines - Since this is a fundamentals (breadth) level course, professional engineers in any discipline can benefit from this course.
- All mechanical engineers - To expand discipline knowledge by learning how temperature control is applied to spacecraft.
The main objective of this course seeks to answer the following question:
- How does a spacecraft maintain its temperatures in space?
306-Spacecraft Telemetry & Command
1 $22.50
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course is recommended for:
- All engineering disciplines
Since this is a fundamentals (breadth) level course, professional engineers in any discipline can benefit from this course.
The main objective of this course seeks to answer the following question:
- How do we communicate with a spacecraft in order to monitor its health (telemetry) and make changes (command) when necessary?
314-Reliability in Mission Critical Applications Part I - Electrical Systems
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
This course is developed to provide an introduction to reliability associated with mission critical applications. This may also be considered a good refresher course for those who work in the electrical engineering field and have a familiarity with mission critical systems. Mission critical reliability is a useful topic for any Engineer to be familiar with associated with their interest in design of mission critical systems.
This course will review some electricity basics, it will provide an explanation of several electrical components important to providing redundancy, and it will establish definitions so as to help the reader understand how different levels of reliability can be and are frequently quantified.
The reader of this course should be able to use the tools gained to understand reliability in mission critical applications.
315-Introduction to Electrical Theory and DC Circuits
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
It is important for any engineer to have a fundamental knowledge of electrical circuits. This course provides an introduction to electrical theory and DC circuits. The content can be used to introduce yourself to these topics or can serve as a general review. No previous knowledge of electrical theory is required for this course.
Many applicational example problems are provided for general theory and for DC circuits. Circuits are analyzed in several arrangements including series, parallel, and a combination of series and parallel arrangements. Basic problems are presented first that cover key electrical concepts such as Coulomb's law, resistance, Ohm's law, and power. Series and parallel arrangements are discussed based on developing equivalent resistance for the circuit. More complex analysis tools like voltage divider rule, current divider rule, and Kirchoff's laws are also used.
323-What every Engineer should know about Power Engineering fundamentals
List: $67.50
Sale: $29.95
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Want to know more about Transformers, and not the kind in the movies? Electrical power is utilized for just about everything in the world. Without electricity, we could not function as a technical society. Electrical equipment can be seen everywhere, be it your house, office, stores or along the roads. What happens when you lose power at your house? Do you every wonder how things are powered up? Ever wonder what the big green humming box is near your offices front door? Do you want to know what a panelboard, circuit breaker, conductor or conduit is? This course will provide some fundamentals of electrical power engineering.
At the conclusion of this course, the student will:
- Understand about the major equipment for electrical power equipment.
- Learn more about residential electrical equipment.
- Learn about conduits and conductors and other electrical equipment seen around construction sites and residential houses
- Learn power equipment names seen in the consulting industry
- Learn what major power equipment looks like
- Learn about electrical construction tips
357-Transformers - What Every Engineer Should Know
List: $45.00
Sale: $22.50
Course Objectives: The purpose of the course is to give non Electrical and novice Electrical engineers a basic understanding of transformers.
Course Description:
The course starts with the basic theory of operation to simple calculations and then considerations when specifying a transformer.
358-Sightline Control Basics for Geo-Pointing and Locating - Part 1
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: Describe theory and system level architectures
Course Description:
This is a three part course discussing geo-pointing and locating. With the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) coupled with advancements in camera and inertial measurement sensor technology; this is fast becoming a technology used in many applications requiring geo-referenced imagery. Historical applications for military and civilian surveillance and navigation are fairly well documented and continue to grow. But the
technology is now the cornerstone for numerous situational awareness applications such as environmental, fire protection, road/bridge surveillance, maintenance and protection. It may even be part of your pizza delivery service, which for those of you with bevy of children could be a sobering thought.
The course is organized as three topics; the first addresses generic sightline control (SLC). As geo-locating requires geo-pointing and pointing requires maintaining a stable line of sight (LOS) to a targeted object or area, then an understanding of SLC is important. The second topic focusses on the geo-pointing problem given a stable sightline to the object to be geo-located. Finally the basics of geo-location, using direct and image geo-registration, are described. Many SLC sections in Part 1.0 require some background in control theory as well as mathematical operations with vectors and matrices. For those interested in geo-pointing and location at a system level; these sections will be somewhat tedious. However, it is not essential to follow all the math but it is important to understand the need for it and how it plays into an overall solution. Similarly there is a lot of detailed discussion on pointing techniques, for example one section is dedicated to using mirrors for pointing. The details may not be critical, but it is important to understand that with all the benefits obtained using a pointing mirror, they also have characteristics that must be understood and accounted for in the design or one will be in for a rather unpleasant surprise. Pointing design should follow a top down design procedure; beginning with requirements through HW and SW design and implementation. However given cost and schedule constraints, one is often forced into an off the shelf design with compromised performance. Understanding the design requirements, however, should not be compromised so related performance can be quantified and improved in future designs. The purpose of the course is to lay a framework for understanding this design process. There should be sufficient math detail for those interested at the equation level but hopefully adequate course structure for those not so inclined to still follow the overall design process. Test questions are at a system level. The course has a two part structure; Part 1.0 covers SLC basics and geo-pointing, Part 2.0 provides a brief review of Part 1.0 followed by a focus on geo-locating, and finally Part 3.0 describes camera sensor characteristics and requirements for geo-locating.
359-Sightline Control Basics for Geo-Pointing and Locating - Part 2
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: Describe theory and system level architectures
Course Description:
This part of the course will apply the sightline control (SLC) fundamentals described in Part 1.0 to the geo-pointing and location problem. Initially Section 1.0 Part 1.0 is reviewed, particularly pointing performance
requirements which directly impact geo-pointing and location performance. Geo-pointing is then described, effectively delving deeper into the material begun in section 8.0 in Part 1.0 of the course. Geo-pointing errors are related back to the SLC pointing problem with its limitations serving as a foundation for pursuing different geo-location approaches. Geo-location techniques are generally categorized as either direct or image geo-registration derived. The errors associated with the pointing solution for direct geo-pointing provide a basis for examining geo-location techniques that use image geo-registration to improve performance.
Image geo-registration is also used in many applications that require geo-referenced sensed imagery as well as location; discussed in Section 4.0 of Part 2.0 of the course. As this is effectively a technology in itself, only the salient aspects of the process are reviewed but should provide a source for further study and investigation, if of interest. Regardless of the geo-location technique used, however, geo-pointing will generally be part of the solution. If not the solution, it will provide coarse location estimates for the image geo-registration process. A substantial amount of image spatial processing is required to obtain an accurate solution to an image geo-registered location and the processing is described at a functional system level to capture the overall design process. The benefits that image geo-registration provides beyond that of location are significant since it can used to obtain situational awareness as defined for many applications. Military and civilian surveillance is an obvious application, but even the use of image information within the transportation infrastructure for highway and bridge maintenance management, damage and structural deterioration assessment, traffic pattern analysis and control, etc. is a growing application. The goal of this part of the course is to provide a system level functional description of the geo-location process and how performance relates back to that of geo-pointing with SLC. The camera sensor requirements for image geo-registration location are discussed in Part 3.0, the last part of the course.
360-Sightline Control Basics for Geo-Pointing and Locating - Part 3
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: Provide design algorithm approach for geo-pointing and locating providing a basis more detailed design
Course Description:
This final part of the course discusses sensor characteristics and requirements for geo-location image geo-registration, as described in Part 2.0 section 4.0 of the course. The focus is primarily on cameras and sensors whose response is in the visible and near infrared wavelength spectrum. Sensor characteristics that drive sensitivity and noise as well as camera sensor and optics parameters that determine scene coverage and resolution are all reviewed in this section. In total the three part course should provide an overview of geo-pointing and locating sufficient to plan for such an application and detailed design areas that require further investigation and study to perform an actual design.
361-Motor Control Part 1 - The Basics of Protection and Control
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is intended to provide training and education about the following topics, along with an introduction to applicable codes and standards.
1. The basics of AC induction motors
2. The purpose and function of a motor starter
3. Components of motor starter power circuits
4. Basics of motor control
Course Description:
This course has been updated in January 2021 to improve the
content, clarity, and readability. This course is intended to be introductory
training about motor starters and control for AC induction motors. It covers
the basic functionality and ratings for motor contactors, overload relays and
short-circuit protection. Power and control circuits are explained along with
references to applicable codes and standards.
366-Resiliency Strategies for Smaller Scale Sites
List: $45.00
Sale: $22.50
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to explore different options that are available for helping to make smaller scale sites more resilient and adapted to better handle the larger, more frequent storm events. Resiliency is usually thought of being done at a much larger scale; municipalities and states implementing large scale strategies that are focused at making their target areas more resilient and less susceptible to large storm events or rising sea levels. Those large-scale resiliency projects are often complicated and very expensive; therefore, it doesnt seem like there is much that can be done on a smaller site. In the course, however we will exam some of the ideas and strategies that are implemented on a large scale and see how they can be scaled down to be viable on a smaller site. We will also review other strategies that can be implemented to make a site better situated to withstand or minimize the impact of a large storm event. It may not be feasible to completely protect a site and its infrastructure by itself, however we will review design strategies and actions that can mitigate or reduce impacts from large storm events, flooding, and sea level rise. There are both physical and operational changes for almost every budgetary range that can be made to make a site more resilient and better protected from rising sea levels, flooding and larger, more frequent storm events.
381-Motor Control Part 2 - Reduced Voltage Starters
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is intended to provide training and education about the following topics.
1. Understanding the starting characteristics of AC induction motors
2. Problems that can be caused by full-voltage starters
3. Understanding the functions and benefits of 5 methods for reduced voltage starters
Course Description:
This course is intended for electrical, mechanical, plant engineers and others who are interested in the use and application of reduced voltage starters. This course provides guidance in the selection between the options for reduced voltage starters based on operating starting and operating characteristics.
385-Sustainability Comparisons for All Engineers
3 $67.50
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
It is increasingly common for engineers in all fields to consider sustainability when designing a product, process, or facility. This course will cover recent trends in sustainability including the “triple bottom line”, life cycle assessment, lifecycle cost, renewable energy, the precautionary principle, and greenhouse gas emissions.
It can be challenging to quantify sustainability and to reduce subjectivity. This course will directly address these challenges and present a ten step framework for calculating and comparing the sustainability of alternatives. Two example comparisons are provided to guide you through the process of quantifying sustainability, comparing the alternatives, and picking a winner.
387-Clarifier Rehabilitation
5 $112.50
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Most water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants have at least one clarifier. Many of the clarifiers were installed more than 30 years ago and are at risk of failure if aged equipment is not rehabilitated.
This course guides the engineer through the rehabilitation process and provides helpful advice to help ensure that a rehabilitated clarifier will last well into the future.
The following topics are covered:
- Condition assessment, including the drive, equipment, and tank
- Performance assessment, including desktop studies and field testing
- Alternatives comparison, with examples
- Design recommendations, including for the coating system
- Construction tips
394-Motor Control Part 3 - AC Variable Speed Drives
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is intended to provide training and education about the following topics:
1. Benefits of using AC adjustable speed drives
2. How an adjustable speed drive controls motor speed
3. The components included in an adjustable speed drive
4. How the motor load type affects drive selection, overload capabilities and energy savings
5. Options for sources of control
6. System installation considerations
Course Description:
This course is intended for electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, plant engineers and others who are interested in the use and application of AC variable frequency drives (VFD). This course provides a description of the benefits of using VFDs, how to select a VFD, the characteristics of three types of loads, how VFDs change the speed of a motor and installation considerations.
404-Tiny Houses Part 4 - Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: After completing this course participants should be able to:
1. Understand the basic components that make up each MEP system.
2. Size various MEP system components in accordance with building code requirements.
3. Identify key differences between designing and installing MEP systems in THOW and traditionally built dwellings.
4. Comprehend the importance and impact of selecting various energy sources for mechanical equipment and appliances.
Course Description:
This course is part of a multi-part course series on designing tiny houses (houses 400 square feet or less in size). The majority of this multi-part course focuses on tiny houses mounted on trailers, which are often referred to as tiny houses on wheels (THOW). This fourth course focuses on mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems. Over 50 figures and photos are included. The basis of this course came from my own research, planning, designing, and construction of a THOW I built myself.
409-Understanding Sensors Part 1 - Sensor Technology
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Sensors provide status information on our environment, homes, cars, and equipment we use. They are a part of nearly all walks of life and essential elements of control and safety systems. Part 1 of the course discusses sensor technology while Part 2 describes sensor networks and fusion of sensor network data. The sensor is a device that detects and/or measures the state of a physical quantity such as temperature, pressure, force, flow, or level. Measurements are converted to an observation media such as an electrical signal or mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic motion providing knowledge of the physical quantity’s state. They may also interface directly to an actuator. The sensor measurement function is performed by several components that constitute a sensing system. This system, termed a sensor node when integrated into a network, is comprised of a sensing element, signal conditioning and possibly processing components, power supply and some form of output; a simple display, meter, or now with the internet many sensors and associated processing interconnect through a wireless communication network. Sensor technology, networking, and fusion is of growing importance in most engineering and scientific applications and this two-part course discusses these topics.
410-Understanding Sensors Part 2 - Sensor Networks
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is written specifically for professional engineers with the objective of relating to and enhancing the practice of engineering.
Course Description:
Part 2 begins with a description of two additional sensors that will continue to play an important role in the evolving sensor networking technology; micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and fiber optic sensors. Then sensor networking architecture and the transmission of measured data to a sensor fusion algorithm is examined. Finally, sensor fusion technology is described. Finally, sensor fusion technology is described. Sensor fusion enhances the knowledge base of the quantities of interest as well as the interaction between them. This part of the course will cover all aspects of the networked sensing system; the sensor node, the communication network, network topologies and wireless sensor networks (WSN), communication network layered protocols, and finally fusion algorithms and processing techniques. Spurred by innovations in the smart phone, the Internet, MEMS, the IoT and the Cloud, devices are becoming smart and capable of user control, monitoring, and communication from remote locations. Network connectivity, person to person, machine to machine, device to device and combinations thereof is expanding at a fast rate making an understanding of sensor networks and fusion of growing importance.
414-National Electric Code
4 $90.00
Course Objectives: This course is meant to provide an overview of the entire NEC with an emphasis on methodologies that are useful for finding the applicable requirements while knowing when coverage is adequate enough to stop researching and commence designing, installing, or upgrading. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
- Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher of the purpose, scope, and application of the NEC.
- Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with code requirements.
- Provide a licensed Electrician with a review of the latest updates and impacts to installation procedures.
Course Description:
This course covers the
entirety of the National Electrical Code with an emphasis on Chapters
1 through 4. The course illuminates the most often used portions of
the Code for an engineer who may not work with the Code daily but is
tasked with ensuring requirements are met during a factory
installation or remodel.
General requirements are
covered along with explanations for the values and restrictions.
Wiring methods are elucidated and methodologies provided; that is,
where to start in one’s search of the code for the apropo
requirements. Equipment explained include motors and their many
requirement with an emphasis on where to start the search to ensure
one is referring to the correct set of requirements for a given
The material provided should
enable the interested engineer an understanding of the more
important, and the most often used, portions of the Code in addition
to the confidence to engage in discussions with inspectors on
application of the Code.
420-Electrical Power Distribution Part 1 - Fundamentals
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is intended to provide training and education about the following topics: 1. Basic components in an AC electrical power distribution system 2. Measured values related to electrical power distribution (voltage, current, power, power factor and energy) 3. Electrical energy charges and billing 4. Electrical safety
Course Description:
This course is intended for electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, plant engineers and others who are interested in gaining an understanding of electrical power systems. This course provides a description of the major components in electrical power systems and the measured values associated with the system and components. It also provides an overview of energy billing to understand factors that impact the life-cycle costs of operations. In addition, there is an explanation of basic electrical safety and protective devices.
445-Spacecraft Electrical Power
5 $112.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
This course is meant to provide an overview of spacecraft electrical power systems. Although many can benefit in numerous ways, the author intends the following goals.
- Provide a design Engineer with an overview of the requirements, sources of information, and design practices to enable efficient, first-time quality spacecraft electrical systems.
- Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with a myriad of requirements.
- Provide an aerospace Electrician with a review of the latest updates and impacts to installation procedures along with potential pitfalls, difficulties, and errors.
- Provide the test Engineer with the adequate guidance to ensure thorough testing.
- Provide a list of applicable references for additional study or use at work.
This course discusses the function and operation of spacecraft lithium-ion battery based electrical power systems (EPS). Basic EPS functions such as energy generation, energy storage, power management, distribution, and control are described in terms of compliance to spacecraft power system requirements. Proper power distribution, including wiring and harness concerns, design constraints, protection and grounding are mentioned against the backdrop of mission-specific requirements. Battery overload and short-circuit protection are mentioned against the backdrop of mission and bus needs. Battery management systems used to monitor and manage lithium-ion battery state of operation in terms of cell voltage, load current for various mission scenarios are also discussed along with potential limits during discharge and charging—including the need for cell balancing.
469-Electrical Power Distribution Part 2 - Drawings, Symbols & Studies
2 $45.00
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is intended to provide training and education about the following topics:
- Types of electrical engineering drawings used in project development, construction, and system maintenance
- Information that can be found on electrical engineering drawings
- Symbols and notes used on electrical engineering drawings
- Types of electrical engineering studies, their purposes and uses
Course Description:
This course is intended for electrical
engineers, mechanical engineers, plant engineers and others who are interested
in gaining an understanding of electrical power systems. The course describes
several types of drawings used to convey information about an electrical power
system. It explains the information that can be found on the drawings, how the
information can be used, and the symbols that are used on these drawings. The
most common power systems studies are presented along with the information
required to perform the studies and how the output of the studies can be used
to confirm proper equipment ratings, proper equipment settings, and clarify
hazards that may be present around electrical power systems.
475-Electrical Emergency Power Systems: Part 1
1 $22.50
Course Objectives: This continuing education course is intended to provide training and education about the following topics:
- The definition of Emergency Power Supply (EPS) and Emergency Power Supply Systems (EPSS)
- The EPSS classifications of type, class, and level
- Types of electrical distribution equipment used in EPSS for single and multi-generator systems
- Criteria for the design of EPSS electrical distribution equipment
Course Description:
This course is intended for electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, plant engineers and others who are interested in gaining a foundational understanding of electrical emergency power systems. The course defines the equipment included in an emergency power system and emergency power supply system. The major equipment is described along with references to NFPA 110 – Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems and NFPA 70 - the National Electric Codes that govern their design and installation. There is an explanation of the design criteria for electrical distribution equipment to be used in an EPSS.
476-An Overview of Electrical System Components for Mission Critical Facilities: Part 1
1 $22.50
Course Objectives: A high level review of electrical systems as they relate to Mission critical facilities, and to learn about good engineering practices for electrical systems of mission critical facilities and how they affect performance.
Course Description:
This course is developed to provide a course on the function of Electrical System components for Mission Critical facilities. This course along with part-1 and part-2 covers from Utility service to the rack level electrical distribution standard practice for mission critical facilities. This course is also “introductory” in nature in that it will cover basic functions of different electrical systems. This course may be considered a good refresher course for those who work in the mechanical/electrical engineering field and already have a familiarity with Mission critical facilities systems.
This course is intended to be useful to individuals at all levels of experience as well as a topic of interest to the full variety of those of an engineering (civil, mechanical, electrical, etc.), architectural, and/or facilities management background. As a result, some basics will be touched upon that may seem rudimentary to some, but for others will be useful to hear for the first time or as a refresher. Regardless, it should be valuable to establish this information and have it in one place for the reader’s reference.
The reader of this course should be able to use the tools gained to have an even greater understand of Electrical system applications for Mission Critical facilities.
479-Tiny Houses Part 5 - Highly Mobile and Off-Grid Case Studies
5 $112.50
Course Objectives: After completing this course participants should be able to:
1. Understand what potential solutions exist for a tiny house’s water source(s), wastewater treatment or disposal system(s), and energy source(s).
2. Identify what solutions are feasible for a variety of situations or given scenarios.
3. Size an off-grid solar photovoltaic system array and battery bank.
4. Apply “toolbox” information and calculation methods to case studies and/or real life.
Course Description:
This course is part of a multi-part course series on designing tiny houses (houses 400 square feet or less in size). This fifth course presents case studies related to highly mobile tiny houses on wheels (THOW) and off-grid tiny houses, whether THOW or tiny houses on foundations (THOF). Prior to the case studies, a “toolbox” of flowcharts, methods, and products is given to help show possible solutions for tiny house water, wastewater, and energy needs. Six examples and five case studies are included. Much of the basis of this course came from my own research, planning, designing, and construction of a THOW I built myself and the subsequent search for a property to place it on. This course is intended as a stand-alone course, meaning you can take it without having taken previous courses in the series. Certain topics and background are covered in greater detail previously in the series, so when appropriate, I make reference to other courses.
498-National Electric Code: Solar Power
4 $90.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
This course is meant to provide an overview of the entire NEC with an emphasis on Solar Array installation requirements. The focus is on smaller installations often used in homes and office buildings. Additional references are provided for more indepth research. Figures showing common configurations and which aid in understanding terminology are provided. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
- Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher of the purpose, scope, and application of the NEC applicable to Solar Array installations.
- Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with code requirements.
- Provide a licensed Electrician with a review of the latest updates and impacts to installation procedures.
This course covers the entirety of the National Electrical Code with an emphasis on those sections required for installing solar grids. The course illuminates the most often used portions of the Code for an engineer who may not work with the Code daily but is tasked with ensuring requirements are met during a factory installation or remodel.
General requirements are covered along with explanations for the values and restrictions. Wiring methods are elucidated and methodologies provided. Differing solar configuration are shown and requirements specify to safety and fire hazards of PV systems are explained.
The material provided should enable the interested engineer an understanding of the more important, and the most often used, portions of the Code in addition to the confidence to engage in discussions with inspectors on application of the Code.
506-Microcontrollers: An Introduction
4 $90.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Microcontrollers and microprocessors whether seen or unnoticed are an integral part of everyday life. You quite possibly encounter hundreds everyday. Everyday items that you may or may not think of contain one or more of these tiny devices: your electric toothbrush, television, the remote control for your television, children’s toys, cell phones, and the dozen or so processors in your car for the engine electronic control system, GPS, radio system and electronic compass are a few examples.
The purpose of this course is to describe at a high level different microcontroller architectures and to discuss the components of the central processing unit and how the components interact. This course also describes the differences between a microcontroller and a microprocessor and discusses a microcontroller’s instruction set and presents a few examples. This course presents different peripherals, how they are used and how they interact with the central processor.
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course the student will learn:
• Three of the main processor architectures
• The difference between the Harvard architecture and von Neumann architecture
• The components of the central processing unit and how they interact
• How binary numbers are manipulated mathematically within the arithmetic logic unit
• The fetch-decode-execute cycle of the central processing unit
• The difference between a microcontroller and a microprocessor
• How a processor’s instruction set translates into machine code
• When to use general purpose input/output
• When to use a timer and real-time clock peripheral
• The differences, advantages and disadvantages of three different communication interfaces: UART, SPI, and I2C
Intended Audience
This course is intended for all engineers.
Course Summary
Microcontrollers are specialized microprocessors. Three of the most popular processor architectures include the Harvard architecture where data memory and program memory are accessed separately, the von Neumann architecture where data memory and program memory are accessed from the same bus, and the modified Harvard architecture which is a combination of the previously mentioned two. The central processing unit (composed of the arithmetic logic unit, registers and the control unit) functions as the brains or core of the processor. The central processing unit processes machine code stored in memory to control all of its functions. The machine code is compiled or assembled from the processor’s instruction set which defines all of the operations of the microcontroller. To complement their functionality, microcontrollers include a suite of peripherals such as input/output pins, timers, a real-time clock and communications controllers.
507-Microcontrollers: Design and Implementation
3 $67.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Microcontrollers are simply microprocessors that include program and data memory and peripherals such as general-purpose input/output ports, timers, serial communications controllers, analog-to-digital converter, etc.
The purpose of this course is to describe a portion of the architecture of a simple microcontroller (namely the Atmel ATtiny2313A microcontroller) and to provide simple examples written in the C programming language that use an LED and a pushbutton. The examples utilize the timer circuit and the port registers and incorporate a timer interrupt and an external interrupt.
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course the student will learn:
• the significance of a vector table
• the function of an interrupt controller
• how to use a timer interrupt
• how to use an external interrupt for a pushbutton event
• the difference between a timer overflow and a timer compare match
• how to configure a port pin as either an input or an output
Intended Audience
This course is intended for all engineers.
Course Introduction
In my course entitled "Microcontrollers: an Introduction" I discussed the architecture of microcontrollers. I showed how the central processing unit fetches instructions (or a program) from memory and decomposes the instructions into components that the control unit and the arithmetic logic unit can use to perform the desired operation or function. Here I will discuss how to design a simple circuit incorporating a microcontroller with a small footprint, small pin count, and a small amount of internal memory (both program and data memory). I will give program examples using the C programming language.
Microcontrollers are simply microprocessors that include program and data memory and peripherals such as general-purpose input/output ports, timers, serial communications controllers, analog-to-digital converter, etc.
Course Summary
The Atmel ATtiny2313A microcontroller used for these exercises is packaged in a 20-pin DIP package. It is small compared with other microprocessors available, but there are other smaller devices available. For example the Atmel ATtiny10 is packaged in a 6-pin SOT-23 package, making this device ideal for small projects such as an electronic candle to simulate the flicker of the flame or a child's shoe that has LEDs that light up when he or she walks.
Although the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers is a great product offering many features with a powerful core, this course is not meant to be an advertisement for the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers. There are many similar microcontrollers available on the market, such as the Microchip PIC, Texas Instruments MSP430, Intel 8051, STMicroelectronics STM8, Freescale 68HC11, and multiple versions of the ARM core from many vendors.
Microcontrollers today can be designed and programmed to control and monitor almost anything. They have become an integrated part of our society, industry and culture.
508-Moore's Law: Rise of the Machines
2 $45.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Moore's Law is a term used to describe the increase in computing power over time. Moore's Law is the observation that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit (or microprocessor) doubles every two years. This course describes how Moore’s Law has proven true for the past fifty years and discusses how the computing industry will have one of two fates. Either the increase in computing power over time will eventually level off due to physical limitations or further advances in computing power will allow processing power to exponentially increase. Could this exponential increase in processing power eventually lead to a technological singularity?
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course the student will learn:
• the definition of Moore's Law
• how Moore's Law has affected the semiconductor industry
• what visionaries say about the future of technology
• the definition of a technological singularity
Intended Audience
This course is intended for all engineers.
Course Introduction
Advances in technology throughout human history have never been as evident as the advances in computer technology in the latter half of the twentieth century and the early part of the twenty-first century. Technological progress is no longer seemingly liner; it is clearly exponential. The trend in the increase in computational power is predicted by Moore's Law.
Moore's Law is a term used to describe the increase in computing power over time. Moore's Law is the observation that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit (or microprocessor) doubles every two years.
A transistor is a tiny semiconductor device used to switch electronic signals. A transistor is a simple digital switch. When used in a digital circuit the transistor is either on or off.
Logic gates build on the switching power of a transistor to make more complex building blocks. A logic gate is the fundamental building block for a digital integrated circuit, and the fundamental building block for a logic gate is the transistor. Logic gates include AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR. All of these logic gates can be built using only NAND gates. This simplifies and reduces the complexity of integrated circuits by only using one basic type of logic gate. NAND gates can be assembled to form flip flops (like the D flip flop); these flip flops are called registers and form the basis of microprocessor cores. The heart of a computer is a microprocessor, and microprocessors are built from logic gates and the basic building block of a logic gate is a transistor.
Course Summary
Moore's Law is a term used to describe the increase in computing power over time. Moore's Law was introduced in 1965 by Gordon Moore. Moore's Law is gauged by the maximum number of transistors on a microprocessor or memory chip at any given point in time. He stated that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double approximately every two years. Whether held up by the accuracy of Moore's visionary prediction or driven by industry’s thirst to keep up with the trend in technology, Moore's prediction has proven to be true for almost five decades.
This exponential computing trend has affected all avenues of life including (by not limited to) the following: personal computers, communications, transportation, navigation, agriculture, medical, world finance, education, and social media. Some industry experts believe Moore's Law will reach a fundamental limit within the next few decades, while others expect a revolution in the microprocessor technology to maintain the trend.
Many visionaries feel that we humans will soon reach a point in our existence that can be described as unpredictable and maybe even unsettling. This point in history (if the predictions are true) will be the result of an intelligence explosion caused by a technological singularity. A technological singularity is the point in human history where life or even existence after the event which is based on technological progress is unpredictable or incomprehensible.
These are only predictions though. The fact of the matter is this: we don't know. We don't know enough about consciousness to apply the concept to a machine (yet) if it is even possible...
509-State Machines
2 $45.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
An electronic lock, a vending machine, a subway turnstile, a control panel for a microwave oven, a spell checker, a text search application, and the core of a microprocessor all embody a common element. Their behavior can be modeled using a finite state machine. A state machine is a model used in a design to visualize the effects of a sequence of inputs on the state of the system and its output. The behavior of the system is predetermined from its design. A state machine is one of the most common building blocks of modern digital systems.
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course the student will learn:
• When to use a state machine in a design
• The differences between a Mealy machine and a Moore machine
• The different components of a state machine
• The difference between a state diagram and a state table
• The advantages and disadvantages of a state machine implemented in hardware
• The advantages and disadvantages of a state machine implemented in software
Intended Audience
This course is intended for all engineers.
Course Summary
A state machine is a model used to describe the behavior of a real world system. State machines are used to solve a large number of problems. They are used to model the behavior of various types of devices such as electronic control devices, parsing of communications protocols and programs that perform text or pattern searches.
State machines may be described using a state diagram and a state table. A state diagram is composed of states, inputs, outputs and transitions between states. A state table describes a state machine with the present state and input on the left and the next state and output on the right.
State machines may be implemented using either a hardware architecture or a software architecture. The advantage of a hardware implementation is that it operates very fast, but it is difficult to modify and usually requires more circuit board space. The advantage of a software implementation is that it is easier to design and modify, but can be slower than the hardware equivalent.
510-Error Detection in Digital Systems
2 $45.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Information theory is a branch of applied mathematics and electrical engineering involving the quantification of information. When Claude Shannon developed information theory in 1948, thus ushering in the information age, he introduced the concept of entropy to information. This entropy or shortage of information in a message is what gives rise to errors in the data. Most communication systems and data storage and processing systems are unreliable to some degree, which means that errors may be introduced in the communications channel or while retrieving data from a memory device. These errors must be controlled.
The purpose of this course is to describe four different error detection techniques and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. This course describes the parity check method as well as the checksum and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) methods. It describes hash functions and when they should be employed. This course also briefly discusses error correction techniques.
This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course the student will learn:
• Four different error detection techniques
• How to compute odd parity and even parity for a sequence of bits
• How to compute a checksum for a given block of data
• How to compute a CRC for a given block of data
• The benefits and drawbacks of a parity check, checksum and CRC
• How a cryptographic hash function is used to ensure the integrity of a software program or electronic document
Intended Audience
This course is intended for all engineers.
Course Introduction
We are exposed to a lot of information every day, from viewing content on a website on the Internet to listening to a song on our smart phone. This information (or data) is constantly stored, transmitted and processed. It is important that the data is correct or relatively error-free. Some amount of error is acceptable, depending on the application. For example, a few bit errors in a music data file in an MP3 format are acceptable, but a few bit errors in the data being transferred to the flight controls of a rocket could be catastrophic.
Course Summary
The use of a parity check is perhaps the simplest form of error detection. With this technique a bit is inserted after a fixed number of bits to maintain either an odd number or an even number of bits. A checksum in which all of the bytes in a given block of data are XORed to produce a checksum value can be appended to a block of data before it is transmitted. When a block of data is received the checksum is recomputed and checked against the one just received with the block of data. Checksums (either ones that are XORed or a running sum) are weak compared to a CRC. A CRC is used in the same manner for error detection as a checksum, but are more robust because the value of the CRC depends on the order of the data.
513-DC Circuit Fundamentals
5 $112.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
All engineers need a “Back to the Basics!” course and that is exactly what this course provides. The purpose of this course is to utilize the laws associated with basic direct current (DC) theory to find resistances, currents, and voltages at any given point within a circuit. This course is suitable for all engineers of any discipline. It explains the fundamentals of DC circuit theory. Whether you are a civil or mechanical engineer and are interested in learning a little about circuit theory, or if you are an electrical or computer engineer and would like to brush up on the basics, then this course is appropriate for you.
Electric circuits range from very simple circuits containing one or more resistive components and a voltage source (such as a battery and a light bulb contained in a flashlight) to very elaborate, complicated circuits (such as the microprocessor circuit card inside your mobile phone). This course provides a basic introduction to DC resistive circuits and their purpose.
The course explains the fundamental relationship between voltage, current, and resistance, known as Ohm’s Law, in an electric circuit. It explains power dissipation in a resistive element, voltage and current dividers, series and parallel circuits, and different circuit analysis techniques.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course the student will learn:
• The relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in an electric circuit
• Different expressions for Ohm’s Law
• How to compute the voltage drop across a resistor
• How to compute the power dissipation of a resistor
• How to determine the power rating of a resistor
• How to compute an equivalent resistance for resistors in series
• How to compute an equivalent resistance for resistors in parallel
• How to use a voltage divider
• How to use a current divider
• How to compute the current in a series circuit
• How to compute the voltage drop across a resistor
• How to compute the currents in a parallel circuit
• How to apply Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law in a circuit
• How to apply Kirchhoff’s Current Law in a circuit
• How to use mesh analysis to produce loop equations to analyze a circuit
• How to use nodal analysis to produce node equations to analyze a circuit
519-Digital Design: Combinational Logic
5 $112.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
You will encounter digital circuits multiple times in any given day. Digital circuits have infiltrated society in ways unheard of only a few decades ago. They are everywhere and seem to be in everything. Without them we would have no microprocessors. Without microprocessors we would have no computers or smartphones or sophisticated fifth-generation fighter jets or even something as simple and convenient as a coffee maker that brews the coffee before we wake up that shuts off automatically when we forget to turn it off. Maybe we could still design a coffee maker with an analog clock with a mechanical switch that will shut off the hot plate when the clock advances forward past a mechanical set point, but the point is that these little devices (digital circuits) are commonplace and here to stay.
Digital circuits are comprised of tiny little on/off switches called transistors. The transistor is the building block of all digital circuits. This revolutionary little switching device was invented in 1947 and its creators were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics a few years later, and rightly so. Only a few other inventions have impacted and affected our lives in so many ways.
Transistors can be organized into logic gates. The most basic gates are AND, OR and NOT. With these fundamental gates, all other gates can be built. Boolean algebra describes logic gates in symbolic form which gives a designer the ability to design a complicated logic circuit using math by forming equations. These equations are directly transformed into logic symbols and into a logic circuit. Connecting several logic gates together forms something called combinational logic. With this combinational logic, adders can be fabricated as well as encoders, decoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers. A multiplexer is a device that allows one input to be selected from several inputs. An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a multiplexer which is at the heart of a microprocessor's core.
This course is intended to be a review of the basics of digital logic starting with the binary numbering system, hexadecimal numbering system, logic gates, and logic circuits. This course will go over the basic logic gates, adders, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, and demultiplexers. This course has a lot of sample problems and teaches by showing examples.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course the student will learn:
• how to convert a decimal number to a binary number (and vice versa)
• how to convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal number (and vice versa)
• how to represent a negative number in binary
• how to simplify a Boolean expression using Boolean algebra theorems and laws
• how to simplify a Boolean expression using Karnaugh maps
• the difference between all of the basic logic gates
• how basic logic gates can be implemented using transistors
• how to create any logic gate using only NAND gates
• how to implement an adder
• how to implement a decoder
• how to implement an encoder
• how to implement a multiplexer
• how to implement a demultiplexer
520-Computer Mathematics
3 $67.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
This course covers the basics of number systems utilized in computer and the associated mathematical operations and conversions. Boolean Algebra fundamental principles, simplifications for logic operations, and the laws and theorems that allow manipulations of logic expressions are explained. Numerous examples allow practice and better understanding.
Course ObjectiveThis
course is meant to provide an overview and refresher of the mathematics
utilized in computers. Additional references are provided for more
in-depth research. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are
targeted with the following goals.
- Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher of the purpose, scope, and application of computer mathematics.
- Provide
a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review
and analyze designs for compliance with requirements.
- Provide a licensed Electrician with the basics of computer mathematics to allow for a deeper understanding.
522-NEC Backup Power
4 $90.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
This course covers the National Electrical Code with an emphasis on those sections required for Backup Power Systems. The course illuminates the most often used portions of the Code for an engineer who may not work with the Code daily but is tasked with ensuring requirements are met during a factory installation or remodel.
General requirements are covered along with explanations for the values and restrictions. Wiring methods are elucidated and methodologies provided. Differing backup power configurations (emergency, standby—legally required, optional, and critical) are shown and requirements specific to safety and fire hazards of backup power systems are explained.
The material provided should enable the interested engineer an understanding of the more important, and the most often used, portions of the Code in addition to the confidence to engage in discussions with inspectors on application of the Code.
NoteAccess to the Code, Code Handbook, or Internet References to the Code will be helpful and allow for greater study.
Course Objective
This course is meant to provide an overview of the NEC with an emphasis on methodologies useful for finding the applicable requirements while knowing when coverage is adequate enough to stop researching and commence designing, installing, or upgrading. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher of the purpose, scope, and application of the NEC.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with code requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with a review of the latest updates and impacts to installation procedures.
7 $157.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Illumination basics are covered along with the theoretical background
that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a
given lighting design or changes to the same. More importantly,
completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform
various lighting design methods.
This course is meant to provide an overview of the illumination principles, basic and theoretical background, with an emphasis on methodologies used to determine the lighting required for various tasks or to meet requirements. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a a refresher on illumination or for the engineer assigned to lighting with the minimum knowledge to properly design a lighting system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with an understanding of a lighting system to be able to assess impacts on lighting for installation changes.
NOTEAccess to the IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) Lighting Handbook will be helpful for greater study (but is not required for completion of the course).
530-Electrical Power - Part I: Generation
3 $67.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Saftey Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
The NESC will cover the rules, principles, basic and theoretical background where applicable, with an emphasis on rules application used to determine the distribution requirements for various tasks. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a a refresher on power distribution design and rules (requirements) or for the engineer assigned to a distribution schema with the minimum knowledge to properly design a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician (lineman) with an understanding of a distribution system to be able to assess impacts on the same for installation or design changes.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a given design or changes to the same. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various task in distribution design, including ensuring that transformers and transmission lines are properly sized, built and tested; and the appropriate requirements of the NESC are met.
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Saftey Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
Part I, Generation, the more common type of plants producing the power. The basics of alternating current and direct current generators is explained include the principles of parallel operation. Finally, energy management and power quality are covered.
Part II, Distribution Systems, covers the classification of such systems, how the common neutral is utilized, overhead and underground distribution, along with fault analysis methods.
Part III, Transformers, informs on power transformers, their ratings, voltage regulation, testing methods and parameters used to analyze both transformers and transmission lines.
Part IV, Transmission Lines, discusses the electrical parameters of such line: resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Important effects such as the skin effect and relection are explained. This part completes with an explanation of models for each type of transmission line: short, medium, and long.
Part V, The National Electrical Safety Code, covers organization of the code and some of the multitude of requirements for the transmission of electrical power.
Access to the National Electrical Safety Code Handbook will be helpful for greater study (but is not required for completion of the course).
531-Electrical Power - Part II: Distribution Systems
4 $90.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Safety Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
The NESC will cover the rules, principles, basic and theoretical background where applicable, with an emphasis on rules application used to determine the distribution requirements for various tasks. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher on power distribution design and rules (requirements) or for the engineer assigned to a distribution schema with the minimum knowledge to properly design a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician (lineman) with an understanding of a distribution system to be able to assess impacts on the same for installation or design changes.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a given design or changes to the same. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various task in distribution design, including ensuring that transformers and transmission lines are properly sized, built and tested; and the appropriate requirements of the NESC are met.
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Safety Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
Part I, Generation, the more common type of plants producing the power. The basics of alternating current and direct current generators is explained include the principles of parallel operation. Finally, energy management and power quality are covered.
Part II, Distribution Systems, covers the classification of such systems, how the common neutral is utilized, overhead and underground distribution, along with fault analysis methods.
Part III, Transformers, informs on power transformers, their ratings, voltage regulation, testing methods and parameters used to analyze both transformers and transmission lines.
Part IV, Transmission Lines, discusses the electrical parameters of such line: resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Important effects such as the skin effect and reflection are explained. This part completes with an explanation of models for each type of transmission line: short, medium, and long.
Part V, The National Electrical Safety Code, covers organization of the code and some of the multitude of requirements for the transmission of electrical power.
Access to the National Electrical Safety Code Handbook will be helpful for greater study (but is not required for completion of the course).
532-Electrical Power - Part III: Transformers
4 $90.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Safety Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
The NESC will cover the rules, principles, basic and theoretical background where applicable, with an emphasis on rules application used to determine the distribution requirements for various tasks. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher on power distribution design and rules (requirements) or for the engineer assigned to a distribution schema with the minimum knowledge to properly design a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician (lineman) with an understanding of a distribution system to be able to assess impacts on the same for installation or design changes.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a given design or changes to the same. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various task in distribution design, including ensuring that transformers and transmission lines are properly sized, built and tested; and the appropriate requirements of the NESC are met.
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Safety Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
Part I, Generation, the more common type of plants producing the power. The basics of alternating current and direct current generators is explained include the principles of parallel operation. Finally, energy management and power quality are covered.
Part II, Distribution Systems, covers the classification of such systems, how the common neutral is utilized, overhead and underground distribution, along with fault analysis methods.
Part III, Transformers, informs on power transformers, their ratings, voltage regulation, testing methods and parameters used to analyze both transformers and transmission lines.
Part IV, Transmission Lines, discusses the electrical parameters of such line: resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Important effects such as the skin effect and reflection are explained. This part completes with an explanation of models for each type of transmission line: short, medium, and long.
Part V, The National Electrical Safety Code, covers organization of the code and some of the multitude of requirements for the transmission of electrical power.
Access to the National Electrical Safety Code Handbook will be helpful for greater study (but is not required for completion of the course).
533-Electrical Power - Part IV: Transmission Lines
4 $90.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
COURSE OBJECTIVEAlthough this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Safety Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
The NESC will cover the rules, principles, basic and theoretical background where applicable, with an emphasis on rules application used to determine the distribution requirements for various tasks. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher on power distribution design and rules (requirements) or for the engineer assigned to a distribution schema with the minimum knowledge to properly design a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician (lineman) with an understanding of a distribution system to be able to assess impacts on the same for installation or design changes.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a given design or changes to the same. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various task in distribution design, including ensuring that transformers and transmission lines are properly sized, built and tested; and the appropriate requirements of the NESC are met.
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Safety Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
Part I, Generation, the more common type of plants producing the power. The basics of alternating current and direct current generators is explained include the principles of parallel operation. Finally, energy management and power quality are covered.
Part II, Distribution Systems, covers the classification of such systems, how the common neutral is utilized, overhead and underground distribution, along with fault analysis methods.
Part III, Transformers, informs on power transformers, their ratings, voltage regulation, testing methods and parameters used to analyze both transformers and transmission lines.
Part IV, Transmission Lines, discusses the electrical parameters of such line: resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Important effects such as the skin effect and reflection are explained. This part completes with an explanation of models for each type of transmission line: short, medium, and long.
Part V, The National Electrical Safety Code, covers organization of the code and some of the multitude of requirements for the transmission of electrical power.
Access to the National Electrical Safety Code Handbook will be helpful for greater study (but is not required for completion of the course).
534-Electrical Power - Part V: The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
2 $45.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Safety Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
The NESC will cover the rules, principles, basic and theoretical background where applicable, with an emphasis on rules application used to determine the distribution requirements for various tasks. Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher on power distribution design and rules (requirements) or for the engineer assigned to a distribution schema with the minimum knowledge to properly design a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician (lineman) with an understanding of a distribution system to be able to assess impacts on the same for installation or design changes.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a given design or changes to the same. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various task in distribution design, including ensuring that transformers and transmission lines are properly sized, built and tested; and the appropriate requirements of the NESC are met.
Although this is a five part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an overview of electric power from generation, through the various distribution systems, including the vital transformer links that change the voltage from the high voltage required for minimum losses during transmission to medium- and low-voltage for the end-users. Additionally, the transmission lines connecting the system are covered. And, finally, the rule from the National Electric Safety Code® (NESC®) that govern it all completes the overview.
Part I, Generation, the more common type of plants producing the power. The basics of alternating current and direct current generators is explained include the principles of parallel operation. Finally, energy management and power quality are covered.
Part II, Distribution Systems, covers the classification of such systems, how the common neutral is utilized, overhead and underground distribution, along with fault analysis methods.
Part III, Transformers, informs on power transformers, their ratings, voltage regulation, testing methods and parameters used to analyze both transformers and transmission lines.
Part IV, Transmission Lines, discusses the electrical parameters of such line: resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Important effects such as the skin effect and reflection are explained. This part completes with an explanation of models for each type of transmission line: short, medium, and long.
Part V, The National Electrical Safety Code, covers organization of the code and some of the multitude of requirements for the transmission of electrical power.
Access to the National Electrical Safety Code Handbook [or the NESC itself] will be helpful for greater study (but is not required for completion of the course).
538-AC Electrical 101+ Part I: Concepts & Single Phase
5 $112.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher on AC Electrical Power theory, rules (requirements), and practical applications or for the engineer assigned to a related job with the minimum knowledge to properly design a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze AC Electrical Power designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with an understanding of AC Electrical Power to be able to assess impacts on said systems for installation or design changes, and proper operation.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a given design or changes to the same. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various tasks of design, including ensuring that such systems are sized, built and tested; and the appropriate requirements are met.
Focus will be on the basics of knowledge given that truly understanding the basics will allow one to solve more complex problems, which are in most cases are a grouping of basic problems. All the best.
Although this is a two part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to understand the fundamentals of AC theory, AC circuit applications, AC circuit components, and to develop the basic ability read and follow AC drawings.
Part I, The fundamentals of single phase AC circuitry and components.
Part II, The fundamentals of three phase AC circuitry and applications.
Access to any basic theory book (see the References) is helpful but is not required for completion of the course(s).
540-AC Electrical 101+ Part II: Concepts & Three-Phase Electricity
4 $90.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher on AC Electrical Power theory, rules (requirements), and practical applications or for the engineer assigned to a related job with the minimum knowledge to properly design a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze AC Electrical Power designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with an understanding of a AC Electrical Power to be able to assess impacts on said systems for installation or design changes, and proper operation.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a given design or changes to the same. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various tasks of design, including ensuring that such systems are sized, built and tested; and the appropriate requirements are met.
Focus will be on the basics of knowledge given that truly understanding the basics will allow one to solve more complex problems, which are in most cases are a grouping of basic problems. All the best.
Although this is a two part course, each individual part is meant to be stand-alone should one be interested in that topic. The overall purpose of the course is to understand the fundamentals of AC theory, AC circuit applications, AC circuit components, and to develop the basic ability read and follow AC drawings.
Part I, The fundamentals of single phase AC circuitry and components.
Part II, The fundamentals of three phase AC circuitry and applications.
Access to any basic theory book (see the References) is helpful but is not required for completion of the course(s).
541-Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design
3 $67.50
Course Objectives: Understand the engineering challenges related to the use of AI in engineering design
Course Description:
It is common for engineering software to include aspects of machine learning, deep learning, generative AI, or other forms of artificial intelligence (AI). Software such as CAD, BIM, and basic calculation tools have been used for design tasks for decades. Now, software boosted by AI can create novel designs, run iterations to optimize parameters, and learn from past design decisions. AI is a gamechanger for many applications! This course covers current AI trends with over a dozen specific design examples. The course also addresses concerns for a licensed professional engineer who must remain in "responsible charge" when AI software is involved.
The following topics are covered:
- Forms of AI
- Advances in AI for Engineers
- AI Applications:
- Transportation
- Structural
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Responsible Charge and AI
543-Electrical Fault Analysis
3 $67.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher on AC Electrical Power theory, rules (requirements), and practical applications or for the engineer assigned to a related job with the minimum knowledge to properly design a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze AC Electrical Power designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with an understanding of a AC Electrical Power to be able to assess impacts on said systems for installation or design changes, and proper operation.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a given design or changes to the same. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various tasks of design, including ensuring that such systems are sized, built and tested; and the appropriate requirements are met.
Focus will be on the basics of knowledge given that truly understanding the basics will allow one to solve more complex problems, which are in most cases are a grouping of basic problems. All the best.
The overall purpose of the electrical courses is to understand the fundamentals of AC theory, AC circuit applications, AC circuit components, and to develop the basic ability read and follow AC drawings.
Specifically, for this course, the focus will be on calculations for short-ciruits that can be done quickly, without a computer, yet will be conservative in their results.
Access to any basic theory book (see the References) is helpful but is not required for completion of the course(s).
560-NFPA 70E: Electrical Safety in the Workplace
4 $90.00
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
NFPA 70E is focused on Electrical Safety in the Workplace. This course describes the layout of the code, its practical applications, provides an overview of the entire code while highlighting its more important parts and conclusions. Upon completion you should understand the scope of the code, where to find the information regarding safety you seek, and have an understanding of the areas applicable to your work and how to apply them.
Access to any basic theory book (see the References) is helpful but is not required for completion of the course(s).
The NFPA 70E Handbook is a useful reference for its many exhibits and examples, but again, is not required for this course, which should provide a useful introduction to the code.
563-NEC Special Occupancies
3 $67.50
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with a refresher on AC Electrical Safety theory, rules (requirements), and practical applications or for the engineer assigned to a related job with the minimum knowledge to properly design and maintain a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze AC Electrical Power designs for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with an understanding of AC Electrical Safety to be able to assess impacts on said systems for installation or design changes, and proper safe operation.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts to safe operation around electrical hazards. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various tasks of design, including ensuring that such systems are sized, built, tested and maintained; and the appropriate requirements are met all while working in a safe manner.
Focus will be on the basics of knowledge given that truly understanding the basics along with the ability to accomplish tasks safely. All the best.
NEC Special Occupancies cover areas requiring specialized designs and requirements beyond that in the first four chapters of the NEC to ensure safe operation. This course describes the layout of the code, its practical applications, provides an overview of the portions of code one might encounter in the Special Occupancies sections all the while highlighting its more important parts and conclusions. Upon completion you should understand the scope of the code, where to find the information you seek, and have an understanding of the areas applicable to your work and how to apply them.
Access to any basic theory book (see the References) is helpful but is not required for completion of the course(s).
The NEC Handbook is a useful reference for its many exhibits and examples, but again, is not required for this course, which should provide a useful introduction to the code.
601-NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications Part I
5 $112.50
New Course
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with the information or refresher on Acceptance Testing, theory, rules (requirements), practical applications, and electrical specification results or provide for the engineer assigned to a related job with the minimum knowledge to properly Evaluate the design and testing of a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze Electrical Power designs and testing for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with an understanding of NETA Testing to be able to assess impacts on said systems for installation or design changes, and proper safe operation. And, potentially to be a study guide for NETA Level tests.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various tasks of design, including ensuring that such systems are sized, built, tested and maintained; and the appropriate requirements are met all while working in a safe manner.
Focus will be on the basics of knowledge given that truly understanding the basics along with the ability to accomplish tasks safely. All the best.
NETA is an accredited standards developer by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). NETA standards differ from others in that in matters of testing, the relevant test and requirements derive from other standards: IEEE, IEC, NECA, NEMA, and UL. The focus is on acceptance testing; that is, ensuring the equipment are ready to be energized and will perform satisfactorily. The Acceptance Testing Specifications (ATS), specifically the electrical tests and satisfactory values required is the focus of this course. Those requirements most often encountered by an engineer reviewing test results is the focus.
Access to any basic theory book (see the References) is helpful but is not required for completion of the course(s).
The NETA Acceptance Testing Specification is a useful reference for its detailed requirements and as a desk reference, but again, is not required, this course should provide a useful introduction to the ATS.
603-Microcontrollers: the Arithmetic Logic Unit
4 $90.00
New Course
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is the central core of a central processing unit (CPU). The ALU is simply a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations on binary numbers. They are combinational logic circuits which means that their outputs change asynchronously in response to changes to their inputs. ALU circuits perform operations on integer binary numbers. All microcontrollers contain an arithmetic logic unit (ALU). It is a fundamental building block of the CPU.
An ALU has two integer inputs called operands and another input called an opcode. The opcode instructs the ALU which instruction to perform (like addition, subtraction, decrement, increment, AND, OR, NOT, XOR, etc.). The opcode code is a binary code that comes from the instruction set (or program) that is being executed. The instructions or program will contain both the operands or numbers to be used and the opcode that tells the ALU what to do with the numbers, eg. add the numbers. These instructions are usually written in a higher level programming language and are stored in the computer's main memory. A compiler will compile the higher level language program and convert it to machine code. The computer executes one instruction at a time.
This course focuses on the ALU. This course explains how arithmetic and logical operations are performed within a CPU. This course explains how the instruction from the machine code from a compiled computer program gets translated into useful code for the ALU to determine which operation to perform and where the data is coming from.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course the student will learn:
• how an ALU selects its different functions
• how ALUs were designed in early computers
• how an ALU uses its operands
• how an ALU uses its opcode
• how an ALU performs subtraction
• how a full adder works with carry in and carry out
• the difference between a half adder and a full adder
• the logic diagram of a full adder
• how to describe an ALUs operations with a truth table
• how an instruction set is converted into machine code
• how machine code is decomposed into an opcode that configures the ALU for a particular operation
• how an ALU is integrated into a CPU
• how the fetch-decode-execute cycle works in a CPU
• the significance of the 74181 ALU in early computers
• how many arithmetic and logic operations that a 74181 ALU can perform
• the schematic and truth table of the 74181 ALU
604-NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications Part II
4 $90.00
New Course
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with the information or refresher on Acceptance Testing, theory, rules (requirements), practical applications, and electrical specification results or provide for the engineer assigned to a related job with the minimum knowledge to properly Evaluate the design and testing of a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze Electrical Power designs and testing for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with an understanding of NETA Testing to be able to assess impacts on said systems for installation or design changes, and proper safe operation. And, potentially to be a study guide for NETA Level tests.
Electric Power basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts. More importantly, completion this course will provide the requisite knowledge to perform various tasks of design, including ensuring that such systems are sized, built, tested and maintained; and the appropriate requirements are met all while working in a safe manner.
Focus will be on the basics of knowledge given that truly understanding the basics along with the ability to accomplish tasks safely. All the best.
NETA is an accredited standards developer by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). NETA standards differ from others in that in matters of testing, the relevant test and requirements derive from other standards: IEEE, IEC, NECA, NEMA, and UL. The focus is on acceptance testing; that is, ensuring the equipment are ready to be energized and will perform satisfactorily. The Acceptance Testing Specifications (ATS), specifically the electrical tests and satisfactory values required is the focus of this course. Those requirements most often encountered by an engineer reviewing test results is the focus.
Access to any basic theory book (see the References) is helpful but is not required for completion of the course(s).
The NETA Acceptance Testing Specification is a useful reference for its detailed requirements and as a desk reference, but again, is not required, this course should provide a useful introduction to the ATS.
606-Shipboard Installations & Design - Electrical Short Course
4 $90.00
New Course
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Although many can benefit, three specific groups are targeted with the following goals.
• Provide a practicing Professional Engineer (PE) with the information or refresher on theory, rules (requirements), practical applications, and electrical specification results or provide for the engineer assigned to a related job with the minimum knowledge to properly evaluate the design and testing of a system.
• Provide a practicing Engineer with the requisite knowledge to adequately review and analyze designs and testing for compliance with goals and requirements.
• Provide a licensed Electrician with an understanding to be able to assess impacts on systems for installation or design changes, and proper safe operation.
Installation and design basics are covered along with the theoretical background, where applicable, that should enable the engineer to understand the potential impacts of a new design, alteration, maintenance, or overhaul on ship electrical systems. More importantly, completion this course will provide the minimum requisite knowledge to perform various tasks of design, including ensuring that such systems are sized, built, tested and maintained; and the appropriate requirements are met, all while working in a safe manner. While some may consider the information limited, terse for those with more knowledge, it is meant to provide an overview of requirements for those not use to designing equipment for floating platforms all while inserting enough references for more detailed study.
Focus will be on the basics of knowledge given that truly understanding the basics along with the ability to accomplish tasks safely is the best path. All the best.
The focus of this course will be on the unique requirements of electrical systems on board a ship. The purpose being to provide enough information for one to understand the impacts of any replacement, alteration, overhaul, or design of an electrical system or piece of equipment. And, where required, provide additional sources of information.
Access to any basic theory book (see the References) is helpful but is not required for completion of the course(s).