102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
This course was highly technical and at times well above my level of understanding. I may need to go back over the information a few more to times to get a better grasp on the information.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Louis Loizides
Verified Buyer
A little out of date already, but a very nice IT focused course for modern PEs.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Learned some jargon for a new interest area. Good explanation of processing sequences. Nice overview. I would like a bit more depth.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Walter David Bruce
Verified Buyer
This course, Memories in Computers-Part 1, provides an excellent discussion of DRAM, SDRAM and their modes of operation. Distinction between other memory types is helpful. Every engineer should be aware of the essential information in this course.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Christopher Rahaim
Verified Buyer
The course was good with the history and overview information, but could use some updating - especially in the DRAM sizes and costing.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Leo Zieman
Verified Buyer
A bit dated but very informative on giving a good back ground on the subject matter.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Lionel Bryson
Verified Buyer
Learned a lot about computer memory that I didn't know.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Wayne Allgood
Verified Buyer
Overall a good course. I learned something about memory in computers and how they work.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Eugene Gabrell
Verified Buyer
Always enjoy dipping my toe in an electronic/electrical field of study in which I have little experience in order to taste what other engineers have to tackle. A lot of fun.
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102-Memories in Computers — Part 1: Overview and DRAM Introduction
Robert D Howerton
Verified Buyer
The course is hard to follow for two reasons: text too small & explanation is difficult.
All of our courses are produced in a standard 12-point font. You control the magnification on your own computer. Look for ZOOM!
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Intro To Computers Part 1 Rating
One of the best on line courses I have ever taken. The structure of the questions really made me dig to understand the subject matter. I will take Courses 2 and 3 in the future.
The only reason I did not give 5 stars was because the material is dated to 2010 era and I know tremendous advances have been made since then. I hope the next two courses fill in that gap.
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Memories in Computers - Part 1 DRAM & SDRAM
J. Deliyiannis
For a non-E.E. the course was OK. The illustrations on the memory operations were a little difficult to follow. The test had some curve balls but that's understandable.
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(no title provided)
Good Diagrams and Tables to help explain the concepts.
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Rich -- Seattle
Covers the basics of computers. Some of the charts are out of date.
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Memories in Computers Part 1
Lots of technical info to grasp in a few hours. Very good info, needs a little updating in a few areas.
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