Dr. Scott Washburn is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering at the University of Florida, where he has served on the faculty since August of 1999. Dr. Washburn is also the President of Washburn Innovative Software & Education, LLC. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington. He is a registered professional engineer in the states of Washington and Florida.
Dr. Washburn's primary areas of expertise include traffic flow theory, traffic operations analysis, traffic simulation model development and testing, development of traffic analysis and level of service computational methodologies and complementary software tools. He is a member of the Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee (which produces the Highway Capacity Manual) for the Transportation Research Board, and is chair of the User Liaison subcommittee, past chair of the Freeway/Multilane Highway subcommittee, and is also actively involved with the Two-Lane Highway, Simulation, and Performance Measures subcommittees.
Dr. Washburn has authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and is co-author of the textbook "Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis". Dr. Washburn is the developer of the Freeway Facilities and LOSPLAN software packages.
Dr. Washburn's teaching background includes courses on civil engineering systems, transportation engineering, traffic engineering, freeway operations, traffic simulation, geometric design, numeric/computational methods, and statistical and econometric methods.
Ms. Leslie Washburn is Vice President of Washburn Innovative Software & Education, LLC. She previously was the Workforce Development Coordinator for the University of Florida Transportation Institute. Ms. Washburn received her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Montana State University. Ms. Washburn has 22 years of professional experience in project management, permit review, and transportation curriculum development. Recent curriculum development includes a course for middle school students utilizing robotics and computer programming to introduce autonomous vehicle concepts. She is a registered professional engineer in the states of Washington and Florida.