Review of: Python Programming for Engineers
Roman Titov
Verified Buyer
Awesome course, completed with a Mac, leaves some room for further self-study. Very well put together.
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Review of: Python Programming for Engineers
Shawn Burns
Verified Buyer
Longish course. Might be worth breaking chapters 6-9 into a second course. I also think i++ is a C convention i+=1 is the Python convention.
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363-Python Programming for Engineers - Part 2: Branching and Looping, Functions and Error Handling
David Street
Verified Buyer
Very good overview of Python and how to implement functions, file operations, and error handling.
1 of 1 customers found this helpful.
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363-Python Programming for Engineers - Part 2: Branching and Looping, Functions and Error Handling
Verified Buyer
Great course. Good for the beginner programmer. Python is much like BASIC from the past. Real easy to pick up and learn.
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363-Python Programming for Engineers - Part 2: Branching and Looping, Functions and Error Handling
Ted Mason
Verified Buyer
Need some work on some of the test questions. On question 2, 3 and 4 the input function returns a string and thus causes an error in the code (see question 14). A float() function needs to be added.
Question 10 may be fuzzy for an answer of returning a value. If the code is only what is shown and x is never defined, it will return an error. However, if x was previously defined, it will print the last value of x. I think the point is that the definition of x within the function is local. Maybe a better way to phrase the code is to define x prior to the function call and give the answer to the value prior to the function call?
Other then that, thanks for the refresher course.
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363-Python Programming for Engineers - Part 2: Branching and Looping, Functions and Error Handling
Robert Russell
Verified Buyer
Valuable course however there are several typo's in the material and on the test, an example is question 6. . . .
Portions of the reviewers comments have been removed because they discuss the answers to test questions.
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363-Python Programming for Engineers - Part 2: Branching and Looping, Functions and Error Handling
Karl VanDevender
Verified Buyer
Good course and material.
However, I would suggest you double check your answers to questions 2 and 4 in the test.
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