Review of: Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
The course was suitable for a novice in the field, yet contained enough detail to be challenging.
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Review of: Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
Stephen Tricamo
Verified Buyer
This was a good review and more nd depth than I thought it would be. There was also good operational information.
1 of 1 customers found this helpful.
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Intro to WW Clarifier Design
William Foreman
Verified Buyer
Well designed and presented course. Good learning experience
1 of 1 customers found this helpful.
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278-Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
This was a good course on clarifiers. However, I am not clear on how on question 14 of the test that "turbidity has a significant impact on clarifier performance". That is not clearly stated in the course material.
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278-Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
Steven Eaton
Verified Buyer
Course content seemed a bit more advanced in the subject than introductory.
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278-Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
J L Martin
Verified Buyer
This course reminds me of my WAS'd years at WWTP's.
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278-Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
Kamal Yousif
Verified Buyer
Very informative, nicely authored course. Thank you.
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278-Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
Glenn Richter
Verified Buyer
Very good detailed course. The answer to question 1 is wrong. The correct answer is sidewater depth, which is not available. The weir depth is available and is assumed to be the depth below the weir to the bottom of the clarifier. Thanks.
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278-Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
Robert Deal
Verified Buyer
This course was very informative for design and operational guidelines used for rectangular and circular clarifiers.
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278-Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
John Weis
Verified Buyer
Very good overall review of clarifier operation. Numerous insights on use of chemistry and resulting clarifier performance.
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278-Introduction to Wastewater Clarifier Design
Verified Buyer
Good overview with specific design guidelines and case studies
1 of 1 customers found this helpful.
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