Review of: Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
A pretty in-depth discussion and review of the different types of tailwater conditions and the effects on headwater depths. I recommend this course to anyone who does storm drain, stormwater, and/or floodplain projects,
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Review of: Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
S May
Verified Buyer
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Review of: Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
Verified Buyer
Good overview of the keys to determining tailwater elevations. Several examples and procedures highlight requirements in Florida, but they are also valid outside the state in other jurisdictions.
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Review of: Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
P Rhodes
Verified Buyer
Great course!
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President of Master Engineering
Guillermo Castillo
Verified Buyer
Refresh me the Insight that can not be overlooked at all moments of drainage analysis and design
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051 - Considerations in Estimating Tailwater
Mike Morway
Verified Buyer
Very basic content. Not very useful for someone who works with stormwater on a frequent basis.
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051-Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
Willis Temple
Verified Buyer
A general overview of tailwater assessment, but not detailed enough. Should be included in hydraulic grade line analysis.
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051-Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
Michael Galura
Verified Buyer
Excellent reference for estimating tailwater conditions.
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051-Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
Allen Lane
Verified Buyer
This was a great refresher course for design engineers and is a great course for new engineers.
The course helped reaffirm design assumptions and considerations when designing outfall systems.
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051-Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
Verified Buyer
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051-Considerations In Estimating Tailwater Elevations
Frantz Fenelon
Verified Buyer
Well done. Keep up the good work.
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Thorough tailwater estimaing course
Andrew Swanson
Verified Buyer
Thorough tailwater design course that outlined several pitfalls when considering tailwater estimation.
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(no title provided)
Very well written. Al should be in academia.
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(no title provided)
This was a tough test, in that the answers were not all intuitive. The course did not cover a lot of "how to calculate" information but rather the logic and judgement a PE should follow in determining a correct course of action
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Overall - a very sound short course.
. . . Over estimation of tailwater might show a modeled Q from a drop structure being lower. This could cause the designer to make the discharge pipe smaller (assuming the engineer is balancing the weir and outfall pipe sizing together). If the tailwater is lower in reality, the pipe could become the limiting component and exit velocities could become excessive. That can be a negative consequence. Overall - this is an essential guide to drainage engineers! Nice work.
SunCam Comment: Portions of the reviewer's comments were deleted to avoid giving answers to test questions.
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(no title provided)
Very informative overview for the Florida PE.
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(no title provided)
W. Landon Younce, PE
Thorough discussion about a topic that doesn't get enough detail in most cases. I enjoyed it.
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(no title provided)
Great course, very thorough discussion of tailwater as it relates to drainage design. A good course for all stormwater engineers.
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(no title provided)
All the information in the course was applicable, clear, and well presented.
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Consultant -N.J.
The material was detailed , thorough, and gave a comprehensive review of the topic with both knowledge and experience factored into the material/questions.
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(no title provided)
good course. Mentions that for discharge to tidal water, many agencies specify mean high water as a tailwater elevation. This is not appropriate for many of the reasons mentioned in the course. Drainage systems, particularly those with retention, discharge over a long period of time, and high tide, typically twice a day, will exceed mean high water half the time. In addition, higher than normal tides are often associated with storm events. The tailwater for these systems should be the high tide with the same recurrence interval as the design event, but it may be desireable to include a control so that flows are not excessive at low tide.
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(no title provided)
Some of the questions were tricky! I felt as if I were sitting taking the PE exam again.
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(no title provided)
Didn't realize this course was going to be referring to Florida design standards as much, but still good.
1 of 1 customers found this helpful.
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Good, Comprehensive Course
This course covers all of the basic principals required in determining tailwater and gives some good examples.
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(no title provided)
Difficult in the flow of the text versus the test.
Use of different words in the test than in the text
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(no title provided)
Information was good and informative.
SunCam Comment: A portion of this review was deleted because it discussed answers to one of the questions
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Engineer's Responsibilty
Prior to semiretirement I was registered in several states, including North Carolina, some of which required no stormwater permitting or the most cursory review.
Consequently it was incumbent upon the engineer to estimaate possible stormwater impact(s) upon adjacent propertie(s). I think that the design engineer's responsibility should be emphasized more strongly for his and his firm's, (if any) sake.
Otherwise, I found the course informative and a good resource.
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(no title provided)
Ryan S. Wright, P.E.
A very good reminder of the perils of not adequately considering tailwater conditions in hydraulic design.
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Good info
I just moved to central Florida from N. Florida where tailwater concerns are rare. Helped me out with a few things I am working on right now.
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(no title provided)
The material was in-depth, easy to review and practical. The effort was about right for a 4 pdh course.
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(no title provided)
good overview of the issues. I have seen the exact examples in actual practice.
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